The Imperial Family and the City of Dessalines take the floor 7 - 5 u = © All rights reserved






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The objective behind the assassination of the late president, Mr. Jovenel Moïse, is not the assassination itself but the direct takeover of the Territory of the Empire (Land of great resources, often rare) and of the republic by the Blancistes who have already been operating there, in the current form, for some time. It is not that they are tired of it but because the emergence of the Eternal Empire, which was believed to have destroyed, a contradiction in terms, is the one and only reason.


Indeed since the dirty coup of October 17, 1806, it is the first time that the Empire of AYITI, Ancestral Empire, Empire of Toya-Dessalines, speaks and acts in order to continue His Divine Mission, which is to evaporate the great disorder, initiated by mankind, whose blancism is the instrument of horror, the peak of horror. With each passing day, people discover and come closer and closer to the Empire, where they are and where they exist. As the Eternal Empire of AYITI is the only enemy force of mankind, and starting from Blancism, the one who defines himself as the master and owner of all things, including people-not-like-them, the Blancistes already in post in the republic and their respective leader, who are outside the country, have planned a common strategy to take direct control of the Imperial Territory before the Empire takes action.


A whole plan is put in place, creation of gangs, revival of old hatreds (especially at the level of complexion), excessive impoverishment of the People of the Empire, opposition of the poor to the rich, multiplication of empty political parties, distortions of institutions, bring the president to the cassation of several advantages in order to drag him into a vortex of boiling water in order to isolate him and recover his opponents, turn on a Haitian successor to the president, etc., etc., etc. . to provoke a social breakdown - then great violence because everyone would accuse everyone of being the author of the assassination of the president - which would result in their intervention (the whiteists) to bring order to reign - in the name enough to? - and also to their final establishment in the Imperial Territory, thus blocking the road to the Eternal Empire.


How would that be? The Blancists are setting up groups in the very republic which would demand their intervention, deja vu, to put an end to the violence that the assassination of the president would cause and they recover Haitian organizations among these people who live on their respective territory for the same request. . For example, in Canada itself, several weeks before the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, people from a very well-known group or organization who were demonstrating in the street, asked, reported the press after the event, intervention of Canada or the occupation of Haiti by Canada.


The highest point is to strike the Empire directly. There are two ways that are being considered. The first, which is to redirect attention to the Empire, is to set in motion ideologies without substance, not of the Empire directly, but of the Ancestors and Dessalines, represented by groups and bogus political parties. . There are plenty of them who actually speak of the Ancestors and Dessalines. They practically only talk about it. The big problem, and it has no solution, is that the Ancestors are the People inhabiting the Island formerly called Santo Domingo which was formed into a State, whose Name is the Empire of AYITI, then of which Dessalines is the Emperor, the one to whom the People asked to bring the Empire to its highest form, and whose successors must follow in the footsteps, but that all these people are fervent supporters of the republic, which was born by the assassination of the Eternal Emperor Jacques I, which assassination is perpetrated by unconditional adversaries of the Empire, then of the Ancestors, and of Jean Jacques Dessalines. What nonsense! But the reissue of October 17, 1806, the day of the physical assassination of the Eternal Emperor James I, demands it. The "Ancestors" and Dessalines "are empty terms in the mouths of its people.


The second means is the elimination of His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D’Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste. Living in Canada, he takes care of it. We asked him to take care of it. The killer is doing his job well. Indeed, for years, Canada has resorted to a flood persecutions of all kinds, even to the but fortunately failed assassination against His Majesty The Prince. For five years we have noticed an acceleration of things, always on the side of Canada, the killer. The same abuses against The Prince occur in two provinces and in the same way, with the close participation of ordinary citizens - the evidence is legion and irrefutable - which necessarily involves the authorities of the federal government, namely the Prime Minister and the Minister of National Security, and those of the two provinces.


The involvement of the authorities of the provinces in question, as well as ordinary citizens, is not an exoneration strategy on the part of the federal authorities. You have to consider the practical side of it. The theft of resources - it should be said, I had strongly condemned it while taking care to assert unequivocally that the business people concerned would reimburse a hundredfold because, in my capacity as Head of the Eternal Empire of 'AYITI, I had never ordered the seizure of the bandit-legal on the resources of the Empire, that I could not have done it either since everything belongs exclusively and irreversibly to the People of the Empire and that, in more than that, the fundamental basis of the Constitution is "no masters or white owners in our home" - the Empire of AYITI is first made by the citizens of the province. The people of the provinces are secondarily Canadians. So the authorities of the provinces in question feel as concerned as the federal government. This war against the Eternal Empire of AYTI and particularly against His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D’Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste, is their war. That’s why they are zealous. The elimination of the Empire of AYITI and its Chief, His Majesty Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D’Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste, is a sufficient obligation. Needless to say, the business people involved in the theft of Empire resources are necessarily in action alongside the federal government and their respective provinces. That makes them delinquent in this warlike or elimination offensive against the Empire and its Leader. The commando of terrorists, intended for this purpose, is heavy with bandit-legal.



When I think that all these people will have to face the law, more precisely, to appear before the international criminal tribunal for war crimes as well as crimes against humanity, under the pressure of the Negro population, a world first, which will make certainly school among other peoples, by putting in parentheses the heads of state on which the whiteists rely in their genocidal operations of our peoples, what ...


What is unshakeable in this situation is that Her Majesty, who takes a stand against slavery at best, slavery, genocides led by Canada, the theft and plunder of our natural resources by people of The affairs of this country with the help of the authorities and the sharing of our Territories, acts within the legal framework. But in a dictatorship, especially in a savage and bloodthirsty dictatorship like that of Canada - which the continent and the rest of the world will finally discover - the law has no effect, especially for the legislator and the people who are responsible for enforcing it. . They enjoy an area that can be called the state of nature. They mount punches against people when it comes to power. This one always wins. They mount a theatrical operation against X, even though everything is light years away from X, it goes like a letter in the mail. They kidnap, throw into custody, poison with food prepared for this purpose, cause illness - nowadays there is the coronavirus through contact with infected people or others -, kill and pass it off as suicide, murder under the guise of false pretexts, etc., etc., etc., everything passes. But all of this, of course, happens where the perpetrator is also the judge, that is, the accomplices, within the system of killers. However, if they are transferred outside the house, they will be like a fish out of water. This is the cure for the Canadian dictatorship.


May the Negro Population of the planet continue to mobilize in view of the great gathering to defeat the reissue of October 17, 1806 and be, finally, new masters and mistresses WITH US!


The peoples of the earth are counting on us for their SALVATION. FORWARD!


For the Imperial House of Dessalines, the Empire of Ayti, Eternal Empire of Tóya-Dessalines, Empire of Gwqmunality, that the enemy and his gang, present in Our Imperial Territory, wrongly believed to have engulfed forever:


HRH His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D’Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste 7th of the Imperial Couple's Generation, Marie Claire Heureuse Félicité Bon heur and Jean Jacques Dessalines; Third in the line of the Emperors of AYITI, and Guarantor of the wÄnity of the lakort, the order of the Us, and the Empire of Tóya-Dessalines; Specialist and professor of the science of politics, theorist of politics, notably of Blancism, and theorist of munality, or VudUn Existentialism.




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Sa Majesté Le Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D'Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste

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