Costs claimed from the Government of Canada



Costs claimed from the Government of Canada

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q = year

u = or


r = ê

c = in

h = ch

e = e

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To the State of Canada

It is definitively established that the authorities of Canada regularly returned, in my absence and in the pure illegality, in my residence, that over a long period of time, and in several cities and provinces where I lived, in order, firstly, to steal more ď a third of my property, including even my study notes, at all levels, and, secondly, introducing into it substances that are highly dangerous for health, necessarily my own, all this with the agreement and active participation owners. This goes beyond racial and political persecution and undoubtedly amounts to pure terrorism, a crime against humanity, given the nature and objective of the acts.


For these acts, particularly those of the following cities: Lachute, Brownsburg-chatham and Hawkesbury, to the responsible Canadian authorities, (federal and provincial), I claim the sum of 23.1 million (very reasonable) of the strongest currency in order to replace all the pieces, either by new productions, or by reproduction, etc. The payment must be made by the financial institutions with which I do business.


HRH His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D'Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste 7th of the Generation of the Imperial Couple, Marie Claire Heureuse Félicité Bonheur and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, 3rd of the line of Emperors of AYITI, and Guarantor of wnity of the lakort, the order of the We, and the Empire Tóya-Dessalines, Specialist and professor of the science of politics, theoretician of politics, in particular whiteism, and theoretician of municipalism, or VudUn Existentialism.


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