The People's Report of the International Justice Process
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The Imperial Family and the City of Dessalines take the floor 7 - 6 r = © All rights reserved
Negresses and Negroes, it's time to get out of the enslaving lethargy in which our natural enemies have plunged you for their specific good.
The latest events have demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Negroes of the planet, all of whom are threatened with extinction by our natural enemies, of which Canada is the immediate arm, have increasingly understood the current phenomenon because many are mobilized to respond so quickly to what will come to light.
There are three main reasons for the appeal to the Negro population of the earth, his own planet. The first is the global scope of the crime, the second is the fact that the natural enemy always manages to assassinate the one who operates in a small group in order to block everything or considerably delay the effect and finally the third is to make the general population the direct accuser, the Subject of the whole process, since, always the natural enemy, would not allow a political leader to take charge of it.
Let us briefly recall the crimes, the theft of resources and land, thus considerably impoverishing the people of the country, the killings, the genocide, in AYITI, as in Gelefwe, our ancestral continent, called Africa, the invention of dangerous viruses, at least AIDS, and then massive vaccination with a view to the extermination of Negresses and Negroes on our planet.
Under the direction of the Eternal Empire of AYITI, we have chosen the assassin arm, and the assassin arm alone, for the appearance before the international tribunal of justice for crimes against humanity. The method is very effective because in every way it bears fruit.
Already we cry, once more, failure to the murderous project, the full victory, by the uncontested and incontestable Superiority of our Being, is irreversibly assured to us, whatever the sinister action undertaken by the author of the programmed Negro genocide. . He's stuck everywhere.
I encourage all those who are already mobilized to seek others to fill up on the Subject in order to move forward as quickly as possible.
I do the same for all those, many of whom are young people, who, on the part of government, police and judicial authorities, are victims of arbitrariness, therefore of racial and political persecution, then of acts of terrorism, to keep the documents on this subject in a safe place or to entrust them to us, in all discretion, because it (arbitrariness) is a crime against humanity.
As for me, even a headache, wherever I am on this earth which is mine as a NEGRO, then there is no need to speak of kidnapping or assassination, relates directly to the murderous arm, which is feels hunted like a wounded animal, and will be added to the crime against humanity since it is such.
For the Imperial House Dessalines, the Empire of Ayti, Eternal Empire of Tóya-Dessalines, Empire of the Gwqmuniality, that the enemy and his gang, present on Our Imperial Territory, wrongly believed to have swallowed up forever:
HRH His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D'Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste 7th of the Generation of the Imperial Couple, Marie Claire Heureuse Félicité Bonheur and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, 3rd of the line of Emperors of AYITI, and Guarantor of wnity of the lakort, the order of the We, and the Empire Tóya-Dessalines, Specialist and professor of the science of politics, theoretician of politics, in particular whiteism, and theoretician of municipalism, or VudUn Existentialism.