The Constitution, promulgated on May 20, 1805 in Dessalines, Imperial Capital, abolished slavery
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The Constitution,
promulgated on May 20, 1805 in Dessalines, Imperial Capital, abolished slavery,
at best slavery, attempts (admittedly vain) to reduce the municipal being, more
precisely the Negro and the Negress, to slavery.
The Imperial Family and
the City of Dessalines take the floor 7 - 6 v = © All rights reserved
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u = or
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c = in
h = ch
e = e
= we
There is more. The
Constitution, Our Constitution, has as its fundamental basis, which is
announced long before its promulgation by its author, the invincible General
and Eternal Founder and Emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines, that no white
(blanciste) will be able, in the future , tread this ground as a master nor as
an ownerʺ.
Yet the present situation in the Imperial Territory is antithetical to the
Constitution, our determination as a People-State. We do not see there the
month of August 1791 when OUR GOD, BON-DIEU, is Our Mbwa and, therefore, our
One and Only Guide through our municipal internal constitution, of which the
Municipality is the expression and the protector, nor the expulsion of the
false gods, the god of all misfortunes, which was created by whiteness and in
his image, out of our Ancestral and Existential Sphere, our way of being in the
world, nor the 1803, earthquake land of the Super Soldier, General Jean Jacques
Dessalines, who set himself up in November 29 in Dessalines as a Gwqmunity,
whose perfect, invariable and irreversible shaping is presented to us in
Article 1 of the Constitution.
Let's see some features
of the portrait of the people of the republic which was born in December 1806,
after the parricide, poisoning of the Eternal Emperor Jacques 1st, on October
17 of the same year! It will not be in the logical order, an anthropological
construction by the facts, but in the sense of the literature of the
counter-war, breaking the order without losing the meaning. Let's start with
work, source of life: school, engineering, medicine, sociology, theology,
economics, hospitality, communication, political science, sewing, teaching,
secretarial, sales, ethnology, industries, arts, model, etc. ; in terms of
expression, French, English, Spanish and all other white languages; clothing,
the manner of white; elegance, from the same source; recreation, music, whose
instruments are of European origin, nightclub, cinema, European sports, etc. ;
consumption, whitewash style stores; the image of a cultural woman or man, that
of white magazines; education, talker or talker of white thoughts; religion,
that of the white people and culture, such as marriage, baptism, etc., as well
as its (biblical) morality, for example, modeling one's life on that of
Israelites or Jews; passion, those of the consumer society, white lifestyle, of
so-called beautiful girls or women, of so-called handsome guys or men, cars,
houses, outings, walks, coupes (at the hotel or elsewhere), all this in the
fashion of the whites, at best, of the blancists since there is no society of
whites but of blancists (they even dominate the whites); enrichment, work,
trade or production in the manner of blancism; social organization, blancist
structure, produces blancist thoughts, president, prime minister, ministers,
political parties, political thoughts, liberal, socialism, communism,
democracy, human rights, etc. ; hope, or what is expected of life, all of the
above and we must add religious beliefs, such as paradise, heaven, the kingdom
of gods. I stop here because that is enough to achieve the goal I have set
What is this objective?
It is to highlight the meaning of life in the republic or that of its people in
order to determine the bloc to which it belongs.
The meaning of the life
of a people resides in its ideas or thoughts. His ideas or thoughts take shape
in his actions, namely his behaviors, his ways of doing things, his beliefs,
etc., in fact all that we have just seen above.
So we can deduce that
the republic is rooted in blancism, that it founds it and that, consequently,
it finds its meaning there since it is its product.
Since the republic is
not in itself or by and in itself, it is in all respects dominated by blancism,
that is to say, it dictates its conduct.
According to the
thought and the vocabulary of politics, in the words of Blancisme itself, the one
who dictates conduct in the organization, according to the very order of
nature, is the master, the dominator, and, always according to science of
politics, he who receives his conduct from another or who depends on another
for his conduct is the slave, the dominated. Politics, still according to
political philosophy, is the organization of slavery.
It is now obvious the
meaning of ʺthe fundamental basis of the
Constitutionʺ, according to the Great Scholar
Jean Jacques Dessalines, namely not of ʺmasterʺ.
That's not all, he also says: ʺni de proprietorʺ.
Dessalines talks about blancistes. The understanding of this part of the
proposal lies in the sense of the anthropology of natural rights which makes
man, the white man, the sole owner. The thought of ʺmasterʺ
is from the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, it dates back to antiquity, and that
of ʺownerʺ,
from the English philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, of whom I am the specialist, it
dates back to the 17th century. Dessalines, in his thought, which derives from
those of his ancestors, and the erection of the Eternal Empire of AYTI, gave
them the currency of their coins.
But the republic has
(discursively) abolished the abolition of slavery (slavery) of the Eternal
Emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines for the benefit, of course, of the blancistes.
Obviously the republic
or its people, this prp-thue-n (suicidal people), would never have had the
month of August 1791 nor the Dessalinian earthquake of 1803.
However, the Negresses
and Negroes who fully believe in themselves, that is to say who are in their
Ancestors and in Dessalines, like Dessalines in them, assert themselves on
Wednesday August 31 of this week in NY, then a little everywhere, in their own
Let it become a
HRH His Majesty Prince
Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D'Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste 7th of the Generation
of the Imperial Couple, Marie Claire Heureuse Félicité Bonheur and Jean-Jacques
Dessalines, 3rd of the line of Emperors of AYITI, and Guarantor of wnity of
the lakort, the order of the We, and the Empire Tóya-Dessalines, Specialist and
professor of the science of politics, theoretician of politics, in particular
of blancism, and theory of munality, or VudUn Existentialism.