The message of 20 September 2018, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, exceptional birth)

Le message du 20 septembre 2018 , Jean Jacques Dessalines, une naissance exceptionnelle (The message of 20 September 2018, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, exceptional birth)

The Imperial Family and the City of Dessalines speak 7-4 q = y © All Rights Reserved


September 20, 1758 - September 20, 2018


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or u =
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 = on
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c = in
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e = e

The birth of Jean-Jacques Dessalines,

Infinitely Great or More Than Great,

is the response of the munalité, by Ancestrality,

to hommalité, particularly blancisme and peers.

When talking about the hommalité and its derivative, blancisme, there is talk of a binary vision of the agenda, we either a) "Beautiful, bright, good, better, size, unbeatable, and higher" versus b )"Ugly, no, bad, worse, weak, meanness, and lower." The blancisme, being the speaker identifies himself simply to the point "a" and "b" will ipso facto non-whites or people not like us, as he likes to call them. Bluntly violates the blancisme, for its own benefit, the internal constitution of the order of We the Munal lakort.

Arrive Jean-Jacques Dessalines; takes note of the situation and is responsible for enforcing the internal constitution. Dessalines is neither the only nor the first to undertake this grand process. Its specificity is to conduct flawless and no with panache. This is so because Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Child of Mornes Cahos and raised by Agbawaya Toya has acceded in the shadow of his preceptor, the highest representation of reality. The blancisme is not the end of his troubles.

Jean-Jacques Dessalines will not fail to make known with certainty to its exceptional size blancisme. In October 1802 fl ing informed of what happened in Little River, the French general, Quentin, commander of the town of St. Marc, address a letter to Dessalines. "He sent himBoisrond said that rumors that he could not believe, learned he had lifted him the banner of revolt against the French government, but he knew too much to suspect him capable of driving as opposed to its interests and those of his troops. Dessalines replies: "I have raised the standard of revolt (resistance) because it is time to learn the French that they are monsters that devour this land too slowly to the happiness of mankind (the munalité). I took the Little River and Gonaives; I walk tomorrow against St. Mark. " What the earth has taken too long to do the Invincible General Jean-Jacques Dessalines loads to do for him. On hearing the news, General Victor Emmanuel Leclerc, head of the expedition, said: "Did I actually have a barbaric".

The Invincible General Jean-Jacques Dessalines is above opinions, he stands to what should be done according to its judgment for him. One think or act in place of Dessalines. In fact the day after his special victory on the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte, General ever winner of blancisme is expressed in these words "Whatever the judgment of posterity and contemporary as contemporaries, I have avenged the continent j 'I also avenged all extinct races in the enslavement, I saved my country, so I did the right thing; I am at peace with myself; I have my own esteem; just me. " We must learn from these about the invincible General Dessalines it IS only within itself, its internal constitution Munal, so his thought, not outside of himself, thinking of others . Dessalines submits that Dessalines.

He reserves his opponents these beautiful words: "W hat my name has become a horror to all the people who want slavery, and that the despots and tyrants do not pronounce that the cursing the day where I was born   This September 20, 1758 ". These immortal words highlight assertiveness of Jean-Jacques Dessalines and are seen as the antithesis of blancisme and any other group of beings which is inhabited by the same qu'icelui malice.

The English who wanted to maybe take revenge on France or to try to succeed him in the future, have experienced assertiveness of Dessalines. Indeed they offered their help during the against-war between the ancestors to France. The answer was clear Super Soldier "" NO, we are able to defeat France, "The English are not letting go, they will return in other circumstances. They still encumbering against self-Jean-Jacques Dessalines, which is itself the lakort Munal facing hommale species. The child raised by Agbawaya Toya does not trust anyone in the conduct and defense of life. He wakes up several Mbwa this to be Munal: "We dared to be free (Gwqmun),said Dessalines, dare to be ourselves and for ourselves; imitate the growing child. its own weight breaks the edge that it becomes useless and hindrance in his work "The project of Jean-Jacques Dessalines is, in every sense, being in itself, by itself and for itself. It reinforces the Gwqmunalité of all.    

To highlight and strengthen itself, April 12, 1805, on his return from Santo Domingo seat, His Majesty, the Super Soldier, told his soldiers, "" Generals, officers, soldiers! The time is coming when you will reap new laurels. Do not be drunk with some little success worthy of your value obtained on degenerate and degenerate men; remember that you have to fight enemies enterprising, famous for the packages which they are blackened, but have more than once felt the weight of your arm, and whose destiny will always be defeated by your heroic constancy.Seat support, assaults to deliver, this is what you prepare the next conclusion of peace in Europe. They will finally shine these days marked to consolidate in these places the building ofGwqmunalité and Gwqmunité. Let us enjoy. On some point the destiny of this country called my consistency, you will receive from me the example of living and dying in Gwqmun. For you faithful to your vows and your dearest interests, run perfect these fortifications that your hands were raised; your ingenious audacity preparing your tyrants shame reserved for their criminal enterprise. At the first sound of the alarm gun, the ground Ayti offers to their eager eyes as ash, iron and soldiers; and if we have to perish victims of the most just of causes, let us after the honorable memory of what may the energy of a people struggling against the chains, injustice and despotism. "   These words of the Invincible General Dessalines we have people standing, infinite capacity and eternal winners. This is the highest appreciation of self.

The country that came out of this highly affirmed itself is not different: "The people inhabiting the island heretofore known as Santo Domingo, is appropriate here to form free, sovereign and independent of any other power of the universe, under the name Empire of Haiti, "the Empire of Ayti Empire Toya-Dessalines, is the image of his people, he is standing by himself. The citizens are not beings who live by themselves in another than oneself. "Walking on other tracks," said their General Dessalines.   He thus invited to live in their own vision. It is firmly believe in their own abilities. "As a remnant of suffering will lead me, says Dessalines, I will keep this oath. Never any blanciste, colon or European, not set foot on this territory as master or owner. " Assertiveness has reached the climax. The Lord of Winner blancisme says this: For us, it is we who are conducting.

Jean-Jacques Dessalines does not speak for itself, it gives model: "What other leaders, in my opinion, supports Dessalines, one dig their graves and their fellow man, taking a diametrically opposed to my own conduct, you not accuse in the inevitable law of fate that have removed me the happiness and salvation of my fellow citizens, fellow; but my successors can follow the course that I have traced them! It's the cleanest system to consolidate their power: it is the most fitting tribute that they can get to my memory. Dessalines April 28, 1804, Cap-Haitien (Ayti). "

As Jean-Jacques Dessalines model comes in unit CENTER people: "The testimony of my conscience is not my only reward I have seen two classes, the refined duplicity Europeans sought so long to divide , form one family "by the campaign as the Super Soldier led against the blancisme. Dessalines said: "Keep this precious harmony, this happy harmony among you is the guarantee of your happiness, your, your success is the secret of being invincible." It would not take over the text to say we can deduce that Dessalines and his people are one. "In fighting for yourGwqmunalité". I worked for my own happiness. " Dessalines also said, "Remember that I have sacrificed everything to fly to your defense, parents, children, fortune, and now I am only rich of your Gwqmunalité". The good of the People is the good of Jean-Jacques Dessalines. It takes its Good of the People.

February 15, 1804, in his reply letter, I speak of course of its designation as Ayti Emperor Dessalines says: "Woe to the one who brings the steps of the throne of other feelings than those of a father ".
 What is he a family man? He takes great care of his family. Family, according to ancestry, is the Imperial People. When free color diehards will want to seize the goods and country resources, Dessalines will say: "Let's keep it! We have waged war for others; before our weapon taken against Leclerc, colored men, white son not collected the inheritance of their fathers; how is it, since we chased the settlers, their children claim their property? The black (s) whose fathers are in Africa therefore have nothing? ... The Vastey, Blanchet will put in possession of the State the son of settlers at the expense of my poor black (s). Take heed to yourselves, black (s) free and free people of color, we all fought against the blancistes; the goods we have conquered by shedding our blood, belong to all of us; I hear they are shared with equity. " Jean-Jacques Dessalines care of good of his people, without discrimination.

Before all this, people cultivated a great respect for one they already saw their "avenger and liberator." They devoted themselves to worship Jean-Jacques Dessalines "   Arriving in Cape Town, reports the French general Pamphile Lacroix, I had the opportunity to make serious reflections. Live spend more of our general officers in full uniform. The people of Cape Town, no matter their color, their only showed any signs of deference. Suddenly I see the rumor. It was General Dessalines. He came first to greet Captain General Leclerc. The population of both sexes and of every color rushed his feet. She worshiped her approach (PAMPHILE DE LACROIX, 1995, p. 344).  

Are we to understand from all this that Jean-Jacques Dessalines by his assertiveness, drew people to him to form one whole, standing upright in Dessalines and therefore in themselves.

Why Jean-Jacques Dessalines? Because he acceded to the highest representation of reality, and that following this, he devoted his life to serving people who want to live in Gwqmun. All those who want to be themselves cling to Jean-Jacques Dessalines. This is true even today. He is the example, that each-each has all the faculties to feel and conduct their lives. Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Child of Mornes Cahos and raised by Agbawaya Toya and returns hommalité, particularly blancisme that derives at its falsity. No one is born to serve anyone but to direct oneself by the capabilities its internal constitution has provided him. The blancisme, as hommalité, is defeated by Dessalines, at best, Dessalinité of Munal individual.

I'm fully Jean-Jacques Dessalines. And you? 

There are only crawling and creeping who do not like Jean-Jacques Dessalines.

Dessalines is our internal constitution personified local collection point.

So celebrate the birth of Jean-Jacques Dessalines is an inclination of our very being and is also celebrating being in oneself.

Peoples of the earth, without epidermal shades, welcome in your September 20 Avenger and Deliverer!

Jean-Jacques Dessalines was born and died for US
to be eternally in US:

we saved Evil hommal.

For the Imperial House Dessalines, the Empire Ayti, Eternal Empire Toya-Dessalines, Empire of Gwqmunalité that the enemy and his gang, present on Our Imperial Territory, mistakenly believed to have never swallowed:
HRH the Crown Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D'Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste   7thGeneration Torque Imperial   Marie Claire Happy Bliss Happiness and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the Guarantor and w  lakort nity of the Order of us, and the Empire Toya-Dessalines   Specialist Professor of the science of politics, political theorist, including blancisme and theorist munalité or Existentialism VudUn.


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