The Eternal Empire of AYITI is US, the Invincibles


The Eternal Empire of AYITI is US, the Invincibles

Decree 70000000 Inviolability of the Eternal Empire of AYITI 00000007 January 20, 2025

The Imperial Family and the City of Dessalines speak out 7 - 8 - l = © All rights reserved

q = an, u = ou =, w = r, r = ê, c = in, h = ch, e = é, ¼ = on, ñ

The inviolability of the Eternal Empire of AYITI

In accordance with the fundamental law of the Eternal Empire of AYITI, the entire universe, particularly planet earth, is witness to our Self-Affirmation, with acuity, and our firm and invincible determination to irrelatively overcome any contrary and contradictory wind, whatever its origin. This is Being!

We are of the same genes and the same science as our Ancestors. The manifestation in the sensible world of what we are, that is the Empire of AYITI, is irreversible and anti-seismic because we are invariably made to camp in what we are, Our Self.

The cosmetic change or the renewal of personnel in the hope of fooling, we do not know who, and to camouflage the sinister game, project stuck to the monster, true cannibal, in order to move forward in the positive crime against the Imperial People, according to the ideology of whiteness, that is to say terrorism, genocide, crime against humanity, in short, eliminrgyo.

Know that in the other, especially in Us, Negroes and Negresses, beings whose predicate is Nrg-Nrgrs Ginc, is inaccessible. In other words, we do not enter the Empire of AYITI, not as we want but simply not because we are Indomitable and Insubordinate, Insubordinate. These characteristics go hand in hand with a feeling of unimaginable greatness, which is the incompatibility with irremissibility. The feeling of irremissibility is wonderfully defined as follows by the Invincible General and Eternal Emperor: the act of giving back to the true cannibals what is in full conformity with their nature.

Whatever the intensity of the evil, nothing is more or as tasty as acting to preserve oneself in oneself, by oneself and for oneself. This action does not require any sacrificial principle on the contrary. It carries within it all the meaning of being and existence. It is already the rays of the Blrz, the greatest and strongest pleasant sensation of being even before reaching Negro-divinity. In a context like the kokcn hcn dewqjmq, humanness grows like mushrooms, proportionally to that our impulse to act, that is to fight with the bacteria that eats Negresses and Negroes. It is the sweetest feeling, a feeling of grandeur, which is to rise to the height of oneself.

Whiteness does not hear of letting go, it claims our ancestral land, our body, which includes our conduct, our resources and our wealth and finally our death because it fails to enslave us. It undertakes all sorts of steps to achieve its goal. Our Empire, the Empire of AYITI, which is US, is for it a constant itch.

He may well attack the Empire of AYTI by assassinating James I with a view to overthrowing him. The Imperial Edifice is, indeed, founded in Jean Jacques Dessalines by “Immortal Divine Decrees” and is physically perpetuated in its generations by their appropriation by the Title of Emperor. No element of a nature to thwart and even suppress that which goes in the direction of the Continuous Production of Our God, Good-God, can reach it. The Work is of an exceptional construction and solidity.

Unable to reach the Empire of AYITI, even by the physical poisoning of Jean Jacques Dessalines, French whiteism, through Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, imagined a territory on which it established a republic based on ideologies, organizations, external institutions, which are increasingly reinforced in number, and real people positioning themselves, by infraction since they were by His Majesty the Eternal Emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines, inside the Territory in which they take shape by the erection of their person as a real obstacle to the Administration of the real Institution, the Empire of AYTI, to end up, after all sorts of maneuvers sometimes fruitful sometimes unsuccessful, for example, internal shift, Christianization, diplomacy, debts, gangsterism, bilateral assistance, associations, economy, bilateral alliances, theft of wealth and resources, etc., with the establishment of the authority slave trade by establishing a group, composed of so-called diplomats, whose responsibility is to manage, in the dark, in association with the liaison groups from outside serving as the territory of the new practice of the politics of slavery. This assembly constituting the authority includes all the fields of action in political administration and the thought of the policy applied in slavery.

Each member has his or her own particular responsibilities. Canada has the presidency. The choice is not without special reason. Can we simply say that ultimately Canada's congenital hostility towards the Eternal Empire of AYITI, at its birth, is paying off.

The people from outside have established themselves as an authority, which cannot be exercised in the open air on the Territory because it is full and inaccessible. They split themselves. They give themselves an apparent organization in the face of the atha, the tubabu, which is a copy of the common model, a president or a presidentess, ministers, nowadays a first minister, and all that follows. There is even a constitution, laws, etc. This whole organization has no force of presence in the face of the whiteists. It is paper. It is there to execute the slave policy. The election of the presidency is a designation by the authority of the shadow. Canada will tell you everything. The constitution has no say in the matter before the blancists. The outside takes care of everything that is outside and leaves to the tubabu what was already called in the time of Napoleon Bonaparte the black power. The black power, in accordance with the void, invents a small society to overshadow the Imperial People, who, due to lack of tools, cannot administer, and receive in the darkness of the thing its rewards. But everything that has weight comes from the imaginary territory, that is the outside.

The black power appears as a shapeless multitude because the atha who carry it are not linked together and they are only singularly attached to blancism, which is not connected from the inside to them even if it is their soul. If mentally they imagine reality as it is, in the sense that they do not see themselves as a whole with the blancists or a nation in them, they, in this short time, freak out.

The authority of the shadow is, of course, mental because the Eternal Empire of AYTI is irreversible and forever inaccessible to our natural enemy. However, the whiteists, the slavers, through the bunda qmr, who have been hunted since the advent of the Ancestral Country, Country of Jean Jacques Dessalines, because of their allegiance to whiteness, are now leading, through this false reality, in the open air by their constant missteps. The situation is like a whirlwind in the hand of the whiteists. They are overwhelmed by events since they seek to bluff where the thing is obvious! By observing them, we see very well that they are swimming in troubled waters. The more they get lost, the more they give themselves up.

The whiteists aim to take back the Ancestral Territory, lead, become the owner and take revenge. By these points they want to prove to those who witness these things, either the Eternal Victory of Our Ancestors, of which Jean Jacques Dessalines is the executor, that nothing had happened and that everything works without discontinuity, in other words, they violate the ancestral law, or the Constitution and the laws from outside called international. They take the Eternal Empire of AYTI for black power.

We always act in accordance with our thoughts. The whiteists have free rein, they do not deprive themselves of anything. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that Canada is the leader of slavery. This organization, Canada, is mainly populated, and consequently, governed by first-class criminals. Canada is a terrible savage dictatorship. There is nothing surprising in this, a cat only gives birth to cats and cats. This unspeakable horror is structured in a pyramid shape. The tip is made up of the authorities. The lines, from top to bottom, imply the functions and statuses of people. The bottom line represents the population. The authorities use people who are capable of criminality to frame up those against whom they necessarily feel something negative and also for ideological and political reasons. It is a practice they love. For several decades, people, internally, targeted by Canadian hatred and also those who are already victims of this Canadianness of indescribable ferocity, which particularly ravages young black men and women, have been asked to carefully preserve the exhibits, in particular the judges' certificates, for the international criminal tribunal. The majority of the population and almost all the authorities, especially the most powerful, are of the monstrosity well described by Jean Jacques Dessalines, the son raised by Agbawaya Toya. People hold their breath in front of this pinnacle of horror, Canada. Internationally, Canada is seen as a bogeyman.

We are getting there, the international. This is where the monster, the real cannibal, reveals himself to be our natural enemy, as Jean Jacques Dessalines teaches us. Outside, where nothing stops him, especially among Negroes and Negresses, he indulges in it with joy, for example, genocide, doubly brutal terrorism, crimes against humanity, etc., etc., etc.

The second reason is that the bunda qmr, having been stripped of themselves by the real cannibal, whiteness, no longer have any will of their own. They want what the master wants. They do not know how to say “no”. They are therefore the instruments of the bacteria that eats Negresses and Negresses, whiteness.

What is happening to people, on the Territory of the Eternal Empire of AYITI, is astounding. People cannot move, they are surrounded from starboard to port, a position of death decided for them by Canada. Kidnappings of all kinds, assassinations, theft of resources, terrible terrorist acts, diseases, impoverishment, genocides. Nothing is impossible.

As for the Bunda QMR, they carry out everything that the leader, Canada, tells them because they believe they are protecting themselves. The master says it while the master himself trembles at the thought of what awaits him. His only hope is to be able to reign terror, out of a sense of criminality, before being caught. His time will certainly come, he knows it.

The country of the Blancists is no more, in fact it never was. What is in the mind is only wind.

The only one that exists is the Empire of AYITI

“What people fought for us! What people would want to reap the fruits of our labors?

“We have dared to be free, let us dare to be free by ourselves and for ourselves!

“The day has arrived, this day that must eternalize our glory, our independence.

“If there could exist among you a lukewarm heart, let it move away and tremble to pronounce the oath that must unite us.

“Let us swear to the entire universe, to posterity, to ourselves, to renounce France forever, and to die rather than live under its domination.

“To fight until the last breath for the independence of our country!

“The people inhabiting the island formerly called Saint-Domingue, agree here to form themselves into a free State, sovereign and independent of any other power in the universe, under the name of the Empire of Haiti.

“Slavery is forever abolished

“No white man, whatever his nation, will set foot on this territory, as master or owner and will not be able to acquire any property there in the future.”


It is finally time to face the courts. The means, which the Empire of AYITI lacked to continue tirelessly to operate its Administration, are filled.

No one can escape the penny. We have never stopped working until this day arrives. Nothing is more beautiful or as beautiful as working, fighting, for one's country, especially when this Country is the Empire of AYITI, a Priceless Jewel.

Planet Earth is living its best times because the Eternal Empire of AYTI acts more powerfully than before.

It is forbidden for all members of the Empire of AYITI to die, even a natural death, except from Blancism.

Continue to travel all places, here and elsewhere, to carry the Gospel of liberation, the one that cleanses and introduces us hic et nunc into the BLRZ.

Those who are not yet with us, preparing first the international complaints and then the way to judge the Empire of AYITI, let them come, the complexion does not matter here. There is room for everyone.

Etc., Etc., Etc.

The Decree is in effect as of today, January 20, 2025.

For the Imperial House Dessalines, the Empire of Ayti, Eternal Empire of Tóya-Dessalines, Empire of Gwqmunalité, which the enemy and his gang, present on Our Imperial Territory, wrongly believed to have forever swallowed up:

HRH His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D’Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste, 7th of the Generation of the Imperial Couple, Marie Claire Heureuse Félicité Bonheur and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, III of the line of Emperors of AYITI, and Guarantor of the w¼nity of the lakort, the order of Nous, and the Tóya-Dessalines Empire, Specialist and professor of the science of politics, theorist of politics, in particular of blancism, and theorist of munalité, or Existentialism VudUn

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