The text is the model for collecting information for the complaint that will be given to the lawyers for the genocide prosecution before the international criminal court against Canada.
Google translation, see the original if necessary:
LinkedIn: HRH Prince Tiécoura Jean Dessalines D'Orléans;
Blogger: Forum-Empress Claire Heureuse Dessalines, the city of Dessalines, capital of AYITI;
X: @ForumEmpereurje
The Imperial Family and the City of Dessalines Speak Out 7 - 7 k = © All rights reserved
q = an, u = ou =, w = r, r = ê, c = in, h = ch, e = é, ? = on, ñ
Decree 00000007 December 11, 2024 0000000
Reinforced Text
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Eliminrgyo: Object of Sporadic Genocide,
of Which Canada is the Instrument Chosen by its Peers
Introduction to the ICC:
Crime Against Humanity:
The Crime of genocide
“Introduction to the ICC”: The Office of the Prosecutor’s Preliminary Examinations and Investigations
“Introduction to the ICC”: War Crimes
Israel Accused of Genocide by Amnesty International
ICC Arrest Warrant Against Netanyahu: When Accomplices Cry Injustice
The text is the model for collecting information for the complaint that will be given to the lawyers for the genocide prosecution before the international criminal court against Canada. The situation is untenable. Death is setting in in front of US and certain death at the end of the operation if WE do not react now, without delay. To strengthen your knowledge on the subject, read the complaints for genocide filed against Israel before the International Court of Justice by South Africa and that before the International Criminal Court by other lawyers, always against Israel.
The choice of these great criminals, Canadians, within whiteism, is not arbitrary. They have become known for a rare criminality and have marked history in this area. Indeed, these men have succeeded, in their system of slavery, in suppressing in the Negroes they had kidnapped the memory of their own, an atrocious death. There is more. As for their compatriots, these notorious assassins have managed to keep far from their conscience the height of horror, hitherto unknown to the earth. I remember the student, a teenager of 17 to 18 years old, who, at the end of the course, told me as he left: "Sir, I did not know that the Negroes had suffered so much." The reaction is certainly not the same for everyone, but the meaning is the same. When I spoke about slavery in Canada, several students reproached me for teaching falsehoods, in the sense that there had never been such things in history. However, Canada has imposed itself in the consciousness of its population as a place of salvation for Negroes who fled this practice in the United States. What a contradiction! But sterile, in the sense that it does not lead to questions. It is being and nothingness, ignorance and knowledge in the same relationship.
This fact is explained by the appropriation of a part of people's capacity, to then transform it into scorched earth where people are neither sensitive, nor intelligent, nor endowed with conscience. To put it laconically, the majority of people are not entirely there. This is not a small phenomenon. The expression that would define this method of killing is, as they say in Gelefwo-Masuana, the language of the Empire of AYTI, "Wat morde sufle". to end it without fanfare. This stab is much more powerful than that of an athapika, to use a Gelefwo-Masuana vocabulary, a kind of very powerful dagger. In short, it is the method of operation that favored Canada's choice.
Our Ancestors-counter-strike, prevail, fall but remain standing in themselves, get up, stay the course towards THEMSELVES, braving the generous death of the whiteists. Our natural enemies are offended by this and they change their plans. Judging by the facts, they see in us, the Negroes and Negresses, an obstacle to their future and decide on our total extermination through denigration, humiliation, infantilization, absorption, command, massacres, genocide ...
In the middle of this ocean of visceral hatred, emerges The Soldier, the STOPPER, the Invincible General Jean Jacques Dessalines, and he founds the Eternal Empire of AYITI, under the "Immortal Divine Decree", as a working instrument. At the same time, one of the constitutive organizations of whiteness in action, a bacteria that eats Negroes, Canada, stands against any recognition of the People-State and its organ, the Empire of AYTI, the Organizational, Powerful Arm of OUR GOD, GWQMRTLA. The biggest and longest teeth of whiteness, the bacteria, have welcomed the operation deemed successful by Canada and have therefore entrusted it with the role of executor of the eliminrgyo.
The advent of the Republic of Haiti in 1806, of which the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, is the institutional principle, has favored, by its strategy of disappearance, the sinister game of whiteness, in particular the annihilatory approach of Canada.
We see him, the delegate of whiteness, who circumvents the imperial theorem, namely "neither master nor owner", by the republic to arrive, following the white ideology, to plunder our resources and to genocide us. As for the latter, we see him at work at sea during the embargo of the early 1990s, preventing the ship carrying medicines from arriving at the port of AYITI for the delivery of its cargo. The intended objective is to cause deaths among the population requiring medical care. It worked because the deaths are legion. Despite the alert of health personnel, the nuns in the lead, the silent killer, Canada, is overzealous. The ship of the Feed the Children program also experiences the same constraint by the Canadian military. It is forced to turn around with its cargo of food. The majority of the hundreds and hundreds of deaths daily are children, followed immediately by the elderly. This is not nothing. Health personnel watch helplessly as children die, the nuns emphasize. The republic, led by the whiteists, remains indifferent to all this.
We find Canada in Rwanda in 1994, a good year for the criminal. He is there as an operations manager. We do not know exactly what this means since this country does not speak or act in broad daylight. It is complete silence and inaction while inter-ethnic clashes are also taking place. In other words, he lets things go, it is obvious. It cannot be contrary to his responsibilities, if he behaves in this way. The operator communicated in the dark because he "shaked hands with the devil".
We meet the Canadian soldiers engaged in the eliminrgyo in Somalia on a war footing. When asked by Canadian journalists about the reason for their presence in this country, one of the soldiers, far from civilization, by his speech, answered bluntly: "We are here to kill Negroes, I have not killed yet".
Europe revealed, certainly by a white man, that the AIDS virus, which was already known to be a product of laboratories, was manufactured in Canada and then transmitted by a vaccination campaign against polio, to 100 million people, the vast majority of whom are Negroes. The others are part of a subterfuge strategy.
To camouflage the origin of the AIDS virus, journalists from everywhere, particularly whiteists, are launching a major diversion operation by blaming the Negroes of AYTI and Gelefwe, the ancestral continent, for the arrival of the virus. We remember the very large Haitian mobilization of N Y, in the United States, against this macabre campaign. Let us note that the arrival is black, a danger to the lives of the inhabitants of the planet.
Canada is not left out. For its part, it was to be expected, it produced a long documentary on the question of origin with the help of a medical specialist, to finally say that those responsible are a monkey carrying the virus, hunted and consumed by a black man, who introduced it to his relatives. The bacteria that eats black women and black men seeks to make the victim appear as the vector of the evil that destroys him.
Politicians, scientists and journalists play their role well in the kase-ku (break-cover) of the ongoing genocide but the rules of discourse highlight what they are trying to obscure. They edited the documentary very poorly. However, in terms of the purpose of administering the virus to the victims, without getting wet, they believe, they let themselves go. Indeed, a journalist from Canada, well-informed about what is at the end of the road, predicted, in a report on the political and economic life of "Africa", to use his vocabulary, a better future but to end up, "if AIDS, he said, does not come to change reality", that is to say to eliminate everyone.
It is not the progress of certain researchers in the field of AIDS that can limit the Canadian disaster on the Negroes because the spread of the virus is and remains frightening. We have failed in the preparation of the vaccine against AIDS. Before that, it was the plane that was carrying researchers in the field of Canada's assault on the black population of the earth, AIDS, returning from a conference, that was shot down in mid-flight. It is terrible. It is clear that they do not want to give us any chance of getting out of this.
Should we ask ourselves clearly the question: What future does Canada want to reserve for US?
It is a certain fact that our natural enemy will not be able to have everyone by these means. He is aware of it. He gives himself others, which also kill in large numbers, by emptying people of their endogenous substance, to replace it with a discounted behavior because of its short-range extensity, limited access and without guarantee. These beings died because they are not in themselves, by themselves and for themselves and because the self that they have been swallowed up has not granted them the social belonging of their new world. They are and continue to be seen without interruption as outsiders by this one. In order to try to climb the impossible mountain, they must constantly play Act 1 of the play “To be accepted” until they are buried. It follows that they are confined to being without being, an ineffable psychological torment, for our natural enemies, of course. The torturers use religious, educational and other institutions, then “social comfort”? and the effect of fashion to lure them into this ambush.
Alongside the abasement, which is in itself their end in itself, there is the attempt to take control of the direction of the collective life of people. This means opposing their government of oneself, in oneself, by oneself and for oneself, which is the extensional affirmation of oneself, what one is to the last point. This approach is based on a reduced conception of what is called, in the whiteist language, "the nature" of the other, a being less than oneself, whose quality of essence is minimal compared to one's own, which deprives him, ipso facto, of the ability to direct himself and which, at the same time, places him under his command, of the being of a superior character. This is called, in political science, "slavery", a natural domination. It is against this vision of things that the Gwqmunale and Mordante Resistance of Negresses and Negroes was erected. Canada, true to itself, silent killer of Negroes and Negresses, works hard and without stopping to thwart all attempts at Gwqmunality, and consequently of Gwqmunité, even in the Republic of Haiti, "the fallow country", said Sylvain Coté, returning to Canada, after the fraudulent organization of scandalous elections and the dismantling of several institutions of the Republic in favor of Canada's desire to take charge of its destiny. People, Negroes and Negroes, the first inhabitants of the earth, who, for thousands of years, have always lived under the direction of their Gwqmunality, are, through systemic violence, on a land where the head of state is a white man, this for more than five hundred years following the verdict of "slave", natural, in addition, of the gods of the Bible and the Church of Rome, confirmed by Louis XIV of France, eldest daughter of the Church, under the name of "personal property", that is to say being made to be governed, due to intellectual impotence, by whiteness, a true, real man. This is what Sylvain Coté recalls by his words but without saying that he had just worked in this direction, to make it happen, under the authority of his country, Canada.
We will see, eliminrgyo is not a matter of today. The sporadic genocide that Canada is leading is the continuity, without interruption, of the logical suicide of the empty word of the god of the Bible and his peers, of the church of Rome and the French royalty, adopted by the Spanish royalty, the English royalty, of which Canada is the legitimate son, the Portuguese royalty and all the others, and of their concordant actions, of which here is a brief summary:
Words of the Colonists
From his personal experience, Cussy, in 1685, states the following: “We have in the Negroes formidable domestic enemies”. A century later nothing has changed, which is revealed by the following words: Rouvray (1785): “A slave colony is a city threatened with assault; one walks on barrels of powder”. What can be said of this colonist from Saint-Domingue: “the Negroes,” he maintains, “are unjust, cruel, half-human barbarians, traitors, hypocrites, thieves, drunkards, vain, lazy, dirty, shameless, jealous to the point of fury, and cowards”. "Negroes must be treated as animals are treated," said the governor of Madinina (Martinique). This is what we are going to witness, the basis of the genocide we are witnessing.
Let us watch, in brief summary, by the quasi-magical capacities of thought, the white ball on a part of the municipal beings, the Negro-jelefweennes and Negro-jelefweens: 200,000,000 raided, traumatization in the people who remain and traumatization within the raided; deportation; occupation of the Court; provoked fall of kings; provoked wars; raid and assassination of kings, kidnapping of kings on the spot; corruption of kings; attempts at guardianship by Christianity; prohibition to live in one's existential mode; corruption by the senses; depriving some raided of food during the crossing; whipping others until they bleed and watering their wounds with hot pepper water; flaying several alive, male or female; raping them repeatedly in full view of everyone; arbitrarily choosing a few (female or male) to be murdered in order to then tear out their hearts and force others to eat them; for each raider who arrives in America, six are murdered on the way after being tortured because they are insubordinate; separation forever of a mother or father from his or her child(ren), of the husband from his or her wife; in the colonies, the sale of the kidnapped, the sale by the ton of the rejects: puny, sick, sickly; throwing the rest into the sea who find no buyers; forced labor at gunpoint; whipping until blood and often until death; punishment in the pillory; theft; rape; whipping the hanged; pillage; sawing them in two while alive; feeding people to reptiles; cutting off arms; cutting off legs; cutting off arms and legs; strangling them to death; abandoning people to venomous arthropods; immolating people; shooting hundreds at a time; herding them into the coal bunker to suffocate them in the ship's smoke; torture on the wheel; quartering them alive; dropping them into a cauldron of boiling water; crushing them alive; tearing children from their parents to sell them to settlers on other, distant plantations; burying them alive; erecting fences with severed heads; throwing living people into the sea with cannonballs at their feet, shooting those who surface; dropping people alive into a large cauldron of boiling oil; tying people back to back and then dropping them into the sea; branding them with a hot iron; cutting off an ear of the one who refuses to obey, sometimes cutting out the tongue; raping them with rage; sweating blood and water under the whiplashes; burying them alive standing up to the neck and the head soaked in fat to be eaten by ants; stuffing them with gunpowder to be blown up afterwards; setting them on fire alive; delivering them to cannibal dogs; punishment of bleaching, which consists of removing the dark skin until death ensues; delivering them alive to cannibal dogs to be eaten alive under the applause of the jubilant spectators, especially young girls dressed to the nines. For each raider who arrives in Masuana, 6 were murdered en route, for example, for its colony of Saint-Domingue (Ayti) alone, France raided 15 million, 4.5 million saw the island. Of this number, according to the last census in Haiti, just before the last major battles, there were 600,000 left. All this is not due to anger, a passing feeling, therefore behaviors that only last a moment, but no, a daily way of life for three centuries. Every act is a reflection of the interior, what we are, in a stable way. The acts of whiteness define it clearly and distinctly.
On October 21, 1801, Guadeloupe gained independence and became Karukera again. It is rage in France.
On this subject, Louis Delgrès, born on April 2, 1766 in Saint-Pierre, Martinique, said the following: "There are men who are unfortunately too powerful because of their distance from the authority from which they emanate, who do not want to see black men, or those who originate from this color, except in the shackles of Slavery."
Let us listen to the words ofVice-Admiral Denis, Duke Decrés (1761-1820), Minister of the Navy in 1801 Décrès, then Minister of the Navy and Colonies, declared on November 14, 1801: “I want slaves in the colonies. Freedom is a food for which the stomachs of Negroes are not prepared. I believe that we must seize every opportunity to give them back their natural food except for the seasonings that justice and humanity demand. I believe that we must send a considerable force to Guadeloupe, not to reduce it to what it was but to what it must be.”
These are immeasurable ideologies and acts that they call for. It is an endless authority. Ideologies and acts are of all time, therefore always current. It is the logic of the principle with consequence. In this field precisely is Canada, made and nourished by these ideologies and acts. We are only born once and our nature is and remains invariable and irrevocable. Thus this criminal organization slips without difficulty into what is its natural world, the one that bears the English mark, to maintain itself, through its harmful food, under the aegis of the natural devourer. In Karaib it is the insurance of bacterial Evil. The verbs of the minister of the colony, Denis Decrès, provide him with almost all the energy he needs to work hard, that is to say without respite, to keep the black-Gelefwean Karaib under the domination of the bacteria and in horror as in its predicate. These same words are inscribed on its being as the truth, in its conformity to it. Canada asserts itself to be in righteousness when it opposed the erection of the Empire of AYITI.
We see it in a more obvious way in its sinister acts. For example, people state very clearly that Canada has its own gangs in Ayti. It fought on the Artibonite with an unleashing that matches its being. This is justified by the fact that in the heart of the department is the Very Great City Dessalines, Capital of the Eternal Empire of AYITI, founded by the Invincible General and Eternal Emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines, Child of Agbawaya Tóya. The road, as well as certain points around, of the Majestic City, is plagued by ambushes and armed groups, whose true status is mercenary. They are manufactured by the increasingly severe lack caused by the white strategy for the benefit of the planned genocide. The same is true for the part that leads to Dessalines. It is intentionally not mentioned. Gonaïves is on the northern outskirts of the Very Large City of Dessalines and Petite-rivière, a commune in the Dessalines district, is to the west. The Capital City, Dessalines, is in the center, in the middle of the two. You have to go through Dessalines to get to either one. Petite-Rivière borders it and the town that is so much talked about is shared between the two, they say. There is always a dispute between the two communes about their border. The silence aims to camouflage something big that is brewing. The horror is at the door of the City of Arrest. All the mercenaries of Artibonite are affiliated with the armed groups of Port-au-Prince. One works in concert with the others. One passes on information to the other, if necessary. There is close collaboration between them in crimes. Canada, it is always reported, has its own gangs operating in the police institution. In addition to this, he is an active member of the Port-au-Prince gang leader. However, his head office is in Dominicania, where he works with the police of the Republic of Haiti. This is reminiscent of Rwanda. It is the same behavior, the genocidaires are there without being there. The weapons of the mercenaries, according to the population, arrive in AYTI, for the most part, via Dominicania. What results from all this is that people, in addition to kidnappings for ransom and unspeakable exactions, die in large numbers. Citizens also say, they are categorical on this, that the kidnapped people of whom there is no news, even after paying the ransoms, are victims of organ trafficking. There are some who maintain without hesitation that the crossing point is the head office in Santo Domingo. At the base of these sinister activities, there is a memorandum of understanding signed between criminal organizations, Canada and the Dominican Republic. The institutional police gang serves as a springboard for the Canadian criminal body.
How can one not tremble with fear when listening to these cruelties. Technology is advancing, it certainly allows many more things, such as killing two birds with one stone.
This is enough for the formatting of the model for collecting evidence for the filing of complaints at the international criminal court. There is an ocean of lawyers who, victims like all of us, people of the black population of planet earth, will take care ofdo the rest on our behalf. We fear nothing because the genocidaire has already been identified.
Let us continue to work hard as long as it is necessary. It is about OUR LIVES, OUR FUTURE. Not doing so would be signing our DISAPPEARANCE ORDER. We are facing a campaign of extinction.
All those, regardless of skin tone, and especially Negroes, are obliged to participate in this campaign against Canada for these unspeakable crimes.
Anyone who refuses to lend a hand to the campaign is guilty of the same crimes and will face, if caught, the tribunal of the Empire of AYITI as well as the international criminal court.
This Decree came into force today, Wednesday, December 11, 2024
For the Imperial House Dessalines, the Empire of Ayti, Eternal Empire of Tóya-Dessalines, Empire of Gwqmunalité, which the enemy and his gang, present on Our Imperial Territory, wrongly believed to have forever swallowed up:
HRH His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D’Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste, 7th of the Generation of the Imperial Couple, Marie Claire Heureuse Félicité Bonheur and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, III of the line of Emperors of AYITI, and Guarantor of the wÄnité of the lakort, the order of Nous, and the Empire Tóya-Dessalines, Specialist and professor of the science of politics, theorist of politics, in particular of blancism, and theorist of munalité, or Existentialism VudUn