Whiteism is deadlocked.
The decree 00000007 L’Impasse for Le Blancisme000000028022025 The imperial family and the city of Dessalines speak 7 - 8 - o = © all rights reserved q = an, u = or =, w = r, r = ê, c = in, h = ch, e = é, ¼ = on, ñ Google translation, see the original if necessary: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/cest-limpass-pour-le-blancisme-dessalines-d-orl%25c3%25a9ans-qagxe To go to: Linkedin: HRH Prínce Tiécoura Jean Dessalines d'Orléans; Blogger: Forum-Clear Happy Dessalines, the city of Dessalines, capital of Ayiti; X: @Forumempereurje For any work, see the Akadémie X website: https://www.akademiex.com/product-page/tome-6-l-dministration- Imperial-retablie-au-pays-éncancestral-yiti Imperial administration restored Information in French Le Décret 00000007l’impasse pour le blancisme000000028022025 La Famille Impériale et la Ville de Dessalines prennent la parole 7 - 8 - O = © Tous droits réservés q = an, u = ou =, w = r, r = ê, c = in, h = ch, e = é, ¼ = on, ñ Traduction Goo...