The Blancist Plot and Tubabu

 Google translation, 

Information in French:

The Blancist Plot and Tubabu

Decree 0000000 the firm maintenance of the Self despite the continuous attempts at abduction700000007 January 12, 2025

The Imperial Family and the City of Dessalines speak out 7 - 8 - j = © All rights reserved

q = an, u = ou =, w = r, r = ê, c = in, h = ch, e = é, ? = on, ñ

Homality, hence Blancism, stands on the void.

Decree The Firm Maintenance of the Self Despite Attempts at Abduction

Google translation, see original if necessary:

LinkedIn: HRH Prínce Tiécoura Jean Dessalines D'Orléans;

Blogger: Forum-Impératrice Claire Heureuse Dessalines, the City of Dessalines, capital of AYITI;

X: @ForumEmpereurje

For any work, consult the Akadémie X website:ériale-rtablie-au-pays-ancestral-ayiti

Imperial Administration Restored

The same information in french :

 Le complot blanciste et tubabu

Le Décret 0000000 le maintien ferme du Soi malgré les tentatives d’enlèvement continues700000007 12 janvier 2025

La Famille Impériale et la Ville de Dessalines prennent la parole 7 - 8 - j  = © Tous droits réservés

q = an, u = ou =, w = r, r = ê, c = in, h = ch, e = é,  = on, ñ

L’hommalité, partant le blancisme, se tient sur le vide.

Décret Le maintien ferme du Soi malgré les tentatives d’enlèvement

Traduction Google, voir l'original si nécessaire :

LinkedIn: HRH Prínce Tiécoura Jean Dessalines D'Orléans;

Blogger: Forum-Impératrice Claire Heureuse Dessalines, la Ville de Dessalines, capitale d’AYITI;

X: @ForumEmpereurje

Pour tout ouvrage, consultez le site d’Akadémie X :ériale-rétablie-au-pays-ancestral-ayiti

Administration impérial rétabli

Homality, hence whiteness, stands on the void.


When one has only emptiness for baggage and wants to take on the appearance of being, more particularly of a thing, there is only one recourse, violence, the height of cruelty, to believe in oneself, then try to impose oneself on others. Such is the situation of man, more precisely of whiteness, in the world.

The failure of the plot of January 12, 2010, which aimed at the total destruction of the Territory of the Eternal Empire of AYITI, and necessarily all the Imperial People, People of Jean Jacques Dessalines, did not break the fires of the whiteists because they did not take time to connect their violin to concoct another one with the same amplitude.

Coup de théâtre, the Eternal Empire of Toya-Dessalines comes out its forehead!

It took the real cannibal, the monster, who is our proven natural enemy, to get the idea of ??the coup of the reissue of October 17, 1806 out of his sinister mind to break the barrier, in the hope of advancing his project, namely the eliminrgyo.

The problem is that there is a gap between 1806 and today, which strengthens the Empire of AYITI with additional means, and for good reason! So we have won the cause.


We, Negresses and Negroes, have eternally defeated men, namely the white slavers and their support, the tubabu, but they refuse, because of the unidirectionality of their being of thought, to bow to the fait accompli. They constantly turn around the denial of reality as if that could change the course of things. Firstly, they do not accept the idea of ??losing in front of the Negroes and Negresses, the Ancestors, people whom they had, by an ideological verdict without appeal, qualified as sub-beings; secondly, they do not support the fact that they are kept away from the Imperial Territory and even when they act in the shadows through the bunda qmr, their ideological work; thirdly, the specter of being dragged into court, double court, Imperial and international, under a Victory Announced with great shouting, without being able to cheat as usual, despite their influences and their innumerable capacities to kill, their vocation; fourthly, history will remember their name as such even after their disappearance before the Eternal Empire of AYITI Almighty. These thoughts have transformed them into wounded lions. What is sad is the strategy of lies that whiteism constantly resorts to in this situation in the hope of succeeding in reducing the weight of its psychological suffering, a psychological distress. The whiteists have undertaken everything, especially with the help of the bunda qmr, to prevent the progress of things, project of Jean Jacques Dessalines, Missionary of Our God, Good-God, GwqmrtLa, to then link the repeated failures attached to its formless multitude called the Republic of Haiti to the congenital Negro incapacity. Isn't that a great despair! Yet it is by this sign of a great pathology that it justifies its presence. The whiteist is in itself a great psychological instability, which explains his constant actions at the height of cruelty. In front of the Restoration of the Administration of the Empire of AYITI his psychic destabilization takes on a new lease of life. The more his psychic decline collapses, the more our b¼nqyel balance rises. This is why certain things that he should have always kept in mind are lacking.


What we must never forget is that we are in Jean Jacques Dessalines and Jean Jacques Dessalines is in us. We therefore form a yunity, an unfailing reality. Our sensitive form is the Eternal Empire of AYITI. Our realized external yunity, which is the Empire of AYTI, is our Self, Our Eternal Self. It is made up of all the Ancestral Ensembles of the Ancestral Continent and all those who are here, on the Masuana continent. They are behind Jean Jacques Dessalines for the production of the Divine Work, the Empire of AYITI. This, by the Divine Mbwa, is a requirement of their body. It is the decal, at best, the manifestation of the Munal Self, our own self, in the sensible world. This is why the Empire of AYTI and our Munal Essence are two interchangeable terms. The same is true for their respective reality.

The reality of what we are, because of its truth, which comes from the adequacy of the self of each one of us, the Munal Self, to the Self of the Empire of AYITI, is constantly under threat of sequestration, even genocide, what we call eliminrgyo, by man, especially whiteism, because we are irrefutably an obstacle that it is impossible for him to overcome.

Here, in Masuana, which whiteism has called America, all Negroes, provided that they are rooted in Ancestrality, form one thing. The same is true of those of the continent of the Ancestors, Gelefwe. The Empire of AYITI is not only a matter of the Ancestors but of the lakort munal, therefore it is open to all those, regardless of their complexion, who, after having accessed the munal consciousness, want to take their place there to live up to their essence, the Munal Essence.

The Munal Logic guides things:

“The people inhabiting the island formerly called Saint-Domingue, agree here to form themselves into a free, sovereign State independent of any other power in the universe, under the name of the Empire of Haiti.” The People are founded in the Munal Essence and this, according to one of the Mbwa Munaux, makes it the Seat or Irreducible Principle of its Conduct, that is to say the Government of Self in Self, by Self and for Self, a Dqmbala, true knowledge, since the MUN is to walk towards Perfection, that is to say the Negro-divinity, the highest point of its Being, its Substance: “We have dared to be free - that is to say Gwqmun -, let us dare to be so by ourselves and for ourselves”, which means to draw from oneself and to continue without ceasing, and forever, to do so for the flowering of oneself. These are ideas of the highest point that is, dictated by our munity through the munsqmba, true knowledge of ourselves. The Self is in control and, consequently, it forcefully rejects the other: “The French name” whose general term here is whiteness, “still lugubrious our lands. Everything there traces the memory of the cruelties of this barbaric people; our laws, our customs, our cities, everything still bears the French imprint; what am I saying, there are French people on our island,: “And what a dishonorable absurdity to conquer in order to be slaves.” We do not live in the other, or their mind, but in Ourselves, otherwise it is called “slave”, in precise terms, enslaved, an implacable logic. “Let us walk in other footsteps”, says Jean Jacques Dessqlines.

The consequence of this: “Slavery (slavery) is forever abolished”.

The context requires the following emphasis because Self-Affirmation is boiling in the face of the greatest Evil there is, whiteness: “No white person, whatever his nation, will set foot on this territory, as master or owner and will not be able to acquire any property there in the future.” That’s like saying everything!

From the Constitution of the Empire of AYITI, promulgated on May 20, 1805 in Dessalines, Capital of the Empire of AYITI.

Here is the Country of AYITI, Country of Our Ancestors, instituted by Jean Jacques Dessalines!


James I, the Great Scholar in the field, who knows very well in what world we live, takes the time to properly build the Edifice, the Work of which he says: “It is my zeal, without doubt, to watch over the salvation of the Empire, it is my will to consolidate our enterprise, an enterprise which will give of us, to the nations the least friendly to liberty not the opinion of a mass of slaves, but that of men - MUN - who prefer their independence to the detriment of this consideration that the powers never grant to peoples who, like you, are partisans of their own liberty...” According to the foregoing, the Work is grandiose, the least that can be said, and, in addition, complete in itself. It is, in addition to being Unique and Particular, revealing of the Being that We are, namely its Greatness, then whose vocation is: “to ensure the guarantee and safety of citizens in an immutable and irrevocable manner”. From the outset the Eternity of the Empire of AYITI is stated since only it bears this responsibility. Since Bukman, it is said that Our God, Good-God, is at the origin of our Fight for Gwqmunité, of which the Empire of AYTI is the Magnificent Edifice. Jean Jacques Dessalines tells us many times that the Empire of AYITI is the result of Divine Decrees. This idea comes back in the text of the Constitution in terms of “Immortal Divine Decrees”. The speech of January 1, 1804 suggests that there were soldiers who were not completely under the Direction of Ancestrality: “Generals, and you leaders, gathered here near me for the happiness of our country, the day has arrived, this day which must eternalize our glory, our independence.

If there could exist among you a lukewarm heart, let it move away and tremble to pronounce the oath which must unite us.

Let us swear to the entire universe, to posterity, to ourselves, to renounce France forever, and to die rather than live under its domination.

To fight until the last breath for the independence of our country! “

The “Eternity” of Our Country requires this article of the Constitution: “The armed force is essentially obedient, no armed body can deliberate”. It is clearly stated that no blow can come from the Army or the military because the action will be unconstitutional, that is, null and void, without effect, on the Imperial Institution, in other words, the Empire of AYITI.

No alliance, of any nature whatsoever, provided that it affects the Institution, that is, the Eternal Empire of AYTI, can be made between someone from the inside and a person from the outside: “Never will any colonist or European set foot on this territory as master or owner. This resolution will henceforth be the fundamental basis of our Constitution" and this is the strong point, the insurmountable point. Our Constitution is a Law-theorem, its Fundamental Base is Us, our Essence. It is irrevocable and will be forever.

In the sensible world, the Empire of AYITI was founded in and by Jean Jacques Dessalines: "by his services, his influence and his talents, HE knew how to raise the edifice of our independence and our freedom", which is necessary and indispensable to the Country that is coming. The second step is to "award to the only leader capable of representing ..., an august and sacred title that concentrates in him the forces of the State". The Empire is only a priori. The Dessalineian representation is his pre-imperial unity with the People not an absorption, people separated from each other, by him, from the People. This allows the following statement: “the People become a State” since the People are People by the second unity, the People-State whose Name is the Empire of AYITI. The People are in “the August Title”: “we defer to said citizen Jean Jacques Dessalines the title of Emperor of Haiti and the right to choose and name his successor”. “We desire that this free expression of our hearts and already provoked by the people, be offered to its sanction as soon as possible and receive its prompt and complete execution by a decree of the people who will be extraordinarily convened for this purpose. Unity is at work. “If some considerations justify in my eyes the august title that your confidence awards me, it is my zeal, without doubt, to watch over the salvation of the empire, it is my will to consolidate our enterprise.” This construction, Jean Jacques Dessalines determines it in terms of “consolidation” and “enterprise”. This is the external realization of the Empire of AYITI. Jean Jacques Dessalines is the Author: "but may my successors follow the path that I will have traced for them! It is the most appropriate system to consolidate their power: it is the most worthy homage that they will be able to pay to my memory".

It follows from what is said that the Empire of AYITI Is in Jean Jacques Dessalines and that it must necessarily perpetuate itself in Jean Jacques Dessalines. The Dessalinian system consists of walking in the teaching and on the genetics of Jean Jacques Dessalines. For this last part it is said in the Constitution that the Title of Emperor recognizes the Children of Jean Jacques Dessalines: “The State will allocate an annual salary to the children recognized by His Majesty the Emperor”. By this act, Emperor Jacques 1st enters the Children of Jean Jacques Dessalines into the Structure of the Empire of AYITI to crystallize his Being as its basis. This is done quite simply by his chromosomes. It is a stroke of genius. There is nothing surprising about it because it is Jean Jacques Dessalines. Jean Jacques Dessalines perpetuates himself, as a Principle, in the basic Structure of the Empire of AYITI by his chromosomes throughout his generation. Thus he thwarts any exhaustion, any possible deviation and can, without fail, say that the Empire of AYITI is and will always be the WAY, His Way. There is more. Any Child of the Emperor, who is well imbued with the Dessalinian, can, and has the sufficient obligation, through the forces of the State which are in the Emperor or the Title of Emperor and which are necessarily in Him or Her, intervene effectively for the benefit of the People-State, the Eternal Empire of AYITI, in case of necessity to prevent or restore anything. He or She is ahead of the Empire of AYTI, facing everything, of whatever nature, for the unfailing protection of the People-State. He or She is the continuity constantly guaranteed and assured of the practice of the Self of the People-State. In other words, He or She stands there, like a guardian, so that the People-State can fully enjoy His Country, His Body. Thus Jean Jacques Dessalines is as Eternal as his Edifice; an always implacable logic.

He or she who withdraws is subject to disastrous consequences, which do not come from the Empire of AYTI but from where they take refuge. The reason is simple: “Considering that after a long series of misfortunes and vicissitudes, it is appropriate to ensure the guarantee and safety of citizens in an immutable and irrevocable manner, and that the surest way to achieve this goal is to award to the only leader capable of representing and governing the nation with dignity, an august and sacred title which concentrates in him the forces of the State, which disposes of them outside and which is inside the guarantee of tranquility.” There is more: “Let other leaders, after me, dig their tomb and that of their peers, by holding a conduct diametrically opposed to mine, you will only accuse the inevitable law of destiny which will have taken me away from the happiness and salvation of my fellow citizens”; and the strongest: "Let it come," said Jean Jacques Dessalines, "this power mad enough to attack me! Already, at its approach, Our angry God of Ayti, emerging from the bosom of the seas, appears; his threatening brow raises the waves, excites storms; his powerful hand breaks or disperses the vessels; to his formidable Voice, the laws of nature obey; diseases, plague, devouring hunger, fire, poison fly in his wake." Then there is no other way out than Jean Jacques Dessalines.

Here is Our Country, Gloriously called the Empire of AYITI!


The Valley of Death

Whiteness surrounds the Empire of AYITI with a view to destroying it, a contradiction in terms. However, by its evil forces it makes the height of horror reign there. It violates all the laws, those of the interior as well as those of the exterior. Slavery is what is dearest to him. On the Masuana continent, there is not a single Negro People who is not attacked in this sense. He mobilizes all his destructive forces. He is wreaking havoc there. Today, January 12, is the anniversary of one of these scenes of horror in the Territory of the Empire of AYITI. The genocide has been underway for years


All the people from outside who kill, in whatever form, are under arrest and, as well as those from outside who assist them as in the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, they must not leave the Imperial Territory even if nothing means anything to them. They know each other and know very well what they are doing. For those who are outside, we are working on their case at the level of the international criminal tribunal. Any person who is ordered to place themselves at the disposal of the Imperial Tribunal must submit without arguing.

Etc., etc., etc.

We invite all people, without skin deep considerations, to work with us to arrest our genocidaires, without forgetting the crimes against humanity, at the level of the international criminal court.

The Decree is in force from today, January 12, 2025n in memory of the victims of the earthquake.

For the Imperial House Dessalines, the Empire of Ayti, Eternal Empire of Tóya-Dessalines, Empire of Gwqmunalité, which the enemy and his gang, present on Our Imperial Territory, wrongly believed to have forever swallowed up:

HRH His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines D’Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste, 7th of the Generation of the Imperial Couple, Marie Claire Heureuse Félicité Bonheur and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, IIIrd of the line of Emperors of AYITI, and Guarantor of the w¼nity of the lakort, the order of Nous, and the Empire Tóya-Dessalines, Specialist and professor of the science of politics, theorist of politics, notably of blancism, and theorist of munalité, or Existentialism VudUn.


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