Decree: Pure Truth: Installed for revenge
Decree: Pure Truth: Installed for revenge
The imperial family and the city of Dessalines speak 7 - 7 Q = © All rights reserved
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Decree 00000007LA LIFTER Artificial Creation 26052024
Whiteism and the Republic of Haiti a natural unity for revenge
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Linkedin: HRH Prínce Tiécoura Jean Dessalines D'Orléans;
Blogger: Forum-Clear Happy Dessalines, the city of Dessalines, capital of Ayiti;
X: @Forumempereurje
For any work, see the Akadémie X website:ériale-rétablie-au-pays-ancestral-ayiti
Administration impérial rétabli
Next information in french
Décret : La pure vérité : Instituée pour la vengeance
La Famille Impériale et la Ville de Dessalines prennent la parole 7 - 7 q = © Tous droits réservés
q = an, u = ou =, w = r, r = ê, c = in, h = ch, e = é, ¼ = on, ñ
Décret 00000007la sinistre création artificielle 26052024
le blancisme et la république d’Haïti une naturelle unité pour la vengeance
Traduction Google, voir l'original si nécessaire :
Le lien d’Akadémie X du texte :
LinkedIn: HRH Prínce Tiécoura Jean Dessalines D'Orléans;
Blogger: Forum-Impératrice Claire Heureuse Dessalines, la Ville de Dessalines, capitale d’AYITI;
X: @ForumEmpereurje
Pour tout ouvrage, consultez le site d’Akadémie X :ériale-rétablie-au-pays-ancestral-ayiti
Administration impérial rétabli
We know a lot now to understand everything about the white trap of October 17, 1806. It is, certainly, not the sensitive knowledge that highlighted what was hidden behind the night curtain. We are witnesses to murders, abuses of all kinds; We are, most of us, personally victims; An incalculable number of people among us no longer see beyond the deadly present, they all go around in circles. They all walk, without having any idea, towards nothing. This is to say that they don't understand anything. At the gateway to the culmination of evil, the greatest evil there is, it is there that science, the dqmbala, true knowledge, of the eternal empire of Ayiti, salvation of the planet earth, comes to meet them. There is no need to say that whiteism, our natural enemy, to use the vocabulary of Jean Jacques Dessalines, did not expect it. It’s the destabilizing shock. He believed that the goal was finally achieved. He got caught up in the unexpectedly. The science of the Ayti Empire is bare the macabre project of whiteism. It lifts the veil on evil to no other and reveals all the truth to them, namely that whiteism and the Republic of Haiti are only one. This is taken from the white Self by a common element, the tribunal, it is an extension of whiteism, as the cuff is that of the hand or the arm. This sinister work aims to revenge indompability and rebellion, two predicates of negroes and negresses, and the advent of the eternal empire of Ayiti, antipolitics, which resulted in order to Never cleaning the planet Earth so that it can turn in accordance with itself in the LA concert.
Whiteism and the Republic of Haiti are one, we said. We must not see this unit as a historical achievement, that is to say two things independent of each other which met at a certain time and which decided, for a favorable reason for each of They, to link their reciprocal destiny. It is whiteism in two faces or two forms under the death drive in him, which drive is one of his properties. The form pushes of man, in the white sense of the term, for a very specific mission, the assassination of the Empire of Ayti, which is the real hindrance to its tendency to be advertised in the real world, which inclination is all it is. It’s as if he was split to be able to achieve his goal. We can see one body, the other self. When we talk about body, this is a comparison. This second self and whiteism differ in several points, especially sensitive. However at the level of the head, more precisely of the mind, as we say within this set, they form a single thing, by homage, which ends in the same content, on the practical level, of course , daily life, either religious and political ideologies, institutions, hopes, feelings, needs, recreation, destructive actions, ... It is on this last point that it serves as an instrument, the extension, to whiteism. The others are the elements that give shape to the mind and the rest of the body as a substance. Without this part, the last point would be vain, chimerical. There would not actually be destructive disasters in Negresses and Negroes, misfortunes, of which Bukmqn spoke; Jean Jacques Dessalines would not baptize them, the Whiteists, those that the Republic of Ayiti reproduced, cannibals, monsters, our natural enemies, etc. Similar to white people, they use them to take revenge on negroes and negroes, the Empire of Ayti and ancestrality. The Republic of Haiti has a property and visceral hatred for these three interchangeable elements. It is necessary because without this feeling she could not pay her macabre task.
The impressive of the Republic of Haiti and its contempt for negresses and negroes
This is not an easy task, you have to know it to realize it. And there again! Let's say in a few words this terrible passage. It is useful to remember that, to organize your life, group life, self -knowledge is essential, what you are or your self -conception. There is a term that comes up often, man. Whiteists divide the animal world into two groups, man and the beast. This brings together all the animals which are deprived of reason, which is freedom, capacity to know intellectually, either to calculate. This gives Ipso facto an idea of ??man, being of intellectual capacities. But that's not all. Charles de Montesquieu will deliver the other part of the thing. "It's the complexion that makes man," he said. He continues in these terms: “It is impossible that we assume that these people are men, because, if we assume them of men, we would begin to believe that we are not Christians ourselves; "Gods cannot put a soul in an all black body". The "us" refers to the group to which it belongs, the "whites" and "these people" to the "black (e) s" since it is them that he speaks. The German philosopher, Emmanuel Kant affirms bluntly: "The Negroes of Africa, says this one, have received from nature any feeling that rises above the nonsense. (…) We could not find only one who, either in art or in science, or in another famous discipline, has produced something great. "Among the whites, on the contrary, it is constant that someone rises from the lowest populace and acquires a certain consideration in the world, thanks to the excellence of its superior gifts. If essential is the difference of these two human races! And it seems as great as to the faculties of the mind as according to the color of the skin "(observations on the feeling of beautiful and sublime, GF Flammarion, Paris, 1990, pp.166, 167). Kant says the same thing as Montesquieu. Like the latter, he links humanity and skin color as well as the faculties of the mind to finally oppose black and white. These are two distinct species. Once again, the Whiteists proclaim their "humanity" highly, due to their intellectual superiority, therefore their exclusive "humanity", towards the Negro-Gelefweennes and Negro-Jelefweens. The creation of breeds is European. There is, at least one, which is superior to the others.
As we said above, self -design is not without reason. It is necessary and essential to organize. The purpose of any organization is the achievement of what we are. Without this self -idea, we cannot know what to do with our life, our presence on this earth. Knowing what you are already delivers the starting point for the organization. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, teaches politicians in his book, that it is by nature that there are beings endowed with superior capacities and others not or less. What does that mean? The hierarchy within beings is natural. Those who are able to know are made to direct the others. In other words nature places beings above or below others. So the quality of the two beings is not the same. Depending on what Kant said, white has the same quality of being as black. This is lower while the white is higher. For example, the French commissioner, Félicité-Leger Sononax, after having proclaimed, by an unintelligible speech, the abolition of slavery, is addressed to our ancestors in these terms: "From the nothingness in which you were, you have moved to existence ”. The "nothingness" means that they were worth nothing before this event. This is explained by the absence of the skills of knowledge. They did not have intellectual knowledge. The Frenchman Louis Dubroca, a former prisoner of Jean Jacques Dessalines, said of him: "" This ferocious African, transported very recently to Saint Domingue des Côtes de La Guinea, entirely foreign to the customs of Europeans, to the influence of their habits, of their civilization, and from their language, he had kept all ferocity, all the ignorance of the climate which had seen him born "all the places where the negroes live And Negresses are deprived of knowledge because they are what they are. General Leclerc who had just had a good conversation with General Jean Jacques Dessalines during which he entrusted him with the mission of killing all the men of color, exclaimed, when he was taught that Dessalines did exactly the Contrary to what he had asked him and that he had promised to do: "Did I get fucked by a barbarian?" ", Term signifying sub-be, below man. That's not all. The Society of Friends of Blacks, here men of color, writes this:
"We believe that all men are born free and equal in rights, whatever the color of their skin, whatever the country where fate gives birth to ... But we also believe that this act of justice requires great cleaning. We believe that suddenly freeing black slaves, would be an operation not only fatal for the colonies, but that in the state of abjection and nullity where greed has reduced blacks, it would be a fatal present. " That we ask them why even if we know very well because they are black. We do not need to be brilliant to know that it is a question of knowing skills. According to Emmanuel Kant the Whites would not have this problem because "it is constant that someone rises from the lowest populace and acquires a certain consideration in the world, thanks to the excellence of his superior gifts. "It is the perfectibility, character of man, white.
The cause of the slave
Where does the slave come from? The answer is simple, there is only a slave by the lack of superior faculties. This absence is accompanied by observable differential characteristics. And it’s a fact of nature, says the interns (Aristotle).
Slave and work
We know that the cause of the slave is the lack of superior capacity, which ends with the reception of his conduct of the master, is man, here white, in fact whiteism since it is his ideology, the 'Be that naturally has them all, intellectual capacities. On this level, a slave is made to walk in the thought of another than oneself, that of the master, because he cannot produce it, by inability. This is the nature, essence, of the slave. Walking in the conduct dictated by another is a consequence of the nature of a slave. Is that all the slave? No. The essence of the slave has, at least two other consequences, one is to work for another than oneself, the master. Understand well, we are at the start of the development of the ideology of the master and the slave. The other consequence, the slave being what it is, is not a full -fledged being. This could not be more obvious. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, defines him as the physical extension of the master, that is to be what he lacks to accomplish certain material tasks. Which amounts to saying that it is only animal, pure animal or almost. The technical term that Aristotle uses is "production instrument". "If the negroes do not work for us, it is we who will be forced to do so”, affirms the French philosopher, Charles de Montesquieu. By this we mean that work is for the being which is under domination but it is not the principle of it, domination. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle dominated the knowledge scene in Europe for 1500 years. In 1685, long after Aristotle, the black code, commanded by Louis XIV and written by his minister, Colbert, who was inspired by the Greek philosopher, defined the slave as "good furniture". The two expressions, "well -furnished" and "production instrument", have the same meaning. The other consequence is, the fact that the slave is the physical extension of his master, he does not belong. He is the property of his master, the one who dictates his conduct. We understand why it is a movable property. The slave can therefore have nothing. The criterion of possession is, first and foremost, the owner of oneself. This is why the master claims everything that we think we belong to the slave. After all the slave is nothing.
The conquest of the slave
The being thus defined as a slave lives by itself. The master has no one under his domination. Nature has made the slave but it does not take care of placing it under the direction of its master. The work of nature must be completed. It comes back to the master. He invented the idea of ??conquest, natural conquest. Aristotle, the god of the Bible, Nicolas Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes, to name only these four, are under the same wavelength. They teach the completion of the work of nature by man.
The church of Rome
Talking about nature is also referring to gods. The two terms are interchangeable. They are of the same order, the same concept. It is not only nature that is slavery or slavery, the god of the Bible is a fervent supporter of slavery (slavery), a defender of the vocabulary of "the slave". The Catholic Church, which enjoyed great authority, has used the same thought of nature, to picking the "slaves" its exclusive privilege. In 1493 Pope Alexandre VI, born Roderic Llançol I de Borja (1431 - 1503), shared the world and gave its share to each group of men who were under his obedience. Our continent (Jelefwe or Gelefwe) went to the Iberian group, notably Portugal. What must be remembered is that the world is not working at random. Everything is done in a calculated order.
Tommaso Parentucceli (1398-1455) became Pope and took the name of Nicolas V. On January 8, 1454 Pope Nicolas V ordered Alphonse V, sovereign of Portugal, to reduce "slavery", slavery the negresses and negroes of the ancestral continent. The establishment of "slavery" means to officially institute or bring about the domination of man, a term by which the European defines himself, on the subhons. This is in their eyes natural order because, according to Aristotle "it is by nature that there is the master and the slave". The papal bubble (the law) of Nicolas V is based on the biblical myth according to which the Negroes and Negresses are descendants of Cham, dark dyes, a cursed race by the god of the Bible, the god of whites, To use Bukmqn's vocabulary, name that Jean-Jacques Dessalines more than great gave this false gods.
The effects of natural conquest and the establishment of the organization of slavery through politics
The "slave", "the conquest of" slave "and" slavery "(slavery) are a death business. Let us see, in short summary, by the almost magical capacities of thought, the white ball on part of the munnstations, the Negro-Jelefweennes and Negro-Jelefweens: 200,000,000 of razzié (e) s, trauma-la among people which remain and trauma-la in the raids; deportation; occupation of the court; caused from kings; provoked wars; Razzia and assassination of kings, Kidnapping on site of kings; corruption of kings; attempts to put under guardianship by Christianity; Prohibition of living in its existential mode; corruption by the senses; Deprive some raids of food during the crossing; Whisk others in blood and water their injuries with strong chili water; Save alive several, males or female; violating them repeatedly in view of all; Arbitrarily choose a few (females or males) to be murdered to then then tear off their hearts and force others to eat it; For each raid that arrives in America, six are assassinated on the way after being tortured because they are also; forever separation from a mother or father of her child (s), his wife's husband; In the colonies, the sale of the kidnapped (e) s, the toning sales of discharges: puny and puny, sick, malingres; throw the rest that cannot find buyers; forced labor at the end of arms; Whisk to blood and often to death; Sentence of the shackles; flight; rape; whip the hanged; Pillage; saw them and cut them into two alive; Give people in food to reptiles; arm cut; cut leg; cut arm and leg; strangle them to death; abandon people to poisonous arthropods; immolation of people; hundreds of them at the same time; Gather in the carbon hold in order to suffocate them in the smoke of the boat; torture of the wheel; Top them alive; drop them into a boiling boiler; Growing them alive; snatch the children from parents to sell them to settlers other, distant plantations; bury them alive; fence erection with cut heads; Living people thrown into the sea balls, shooting those who resurface; Place people alive in a large boiler of boiling oil; Bind people back to back to then drop them to the sea; mark them with a fire iron; Cut one ear from the one who refuses to obey, sometimes cut the tongue; violate them with rage; sweating blood and water under the lashes; bury them alive standing up to the neck and the head soaked in fat to be eaten by ants; stuff them with cannon powder to be exploded afterwards; ignite them alive; deliver them to anthropophagous dogs; punishment of whitening, which consists in removing the dark skin until dead ensues; Delivered them alive to anthropophagous chuens to be eaten alive under the applause of spectators in joy, especially young girls on their thirty -one. For each razzié (e) which arrives at the Masuana, 6 were assassinated on the way, for example, for its only colony of Santo Domingo (Ayti), France razed 15 million, 4.5 million have seen the island. From this number, according to the last census in Ayiti, just before the last major battles, there were 600,000. All this, it is not under the effect of anger, a passenger feeling, therefore behaviors that do not last That a moment, but no, a daily lifestyle for three centuries. Any act is a reflection of the interior, which is stable. The acts of whiteism define it clearly and distinctly.
The reaction of the victims of the slave campaign
Let's go to Karukera (Guadeloupe)! One of the makers of Karukera's independence on October 21, 1801, Louis Delgrès, born April 2, 1766 in Saint-Pierre de la Martinique (Madinina), said the following: "There are men unfortunately too powerful by Their distance from the authority of which they emanate, who do not want to see black men, or drawing their origin from this color, only in the irons of slavery ”. Karukeran Delgrès is in the thought of everything we have seen so far, the "slave" and "slavery". This thought is not a fashion but the vision of the world of these people and others who resemble them. Life thus designed is not a joke or a game. Let's be careful! It is like the prejudices of life, it is not okay and it comes back. This stable, this vision. Whiteism confirms this, what Louis Delgrès says, not without giving reason. We are going to France to register the declaration of the Minister of the Colony to the independence of our Ancestor of Karukera, Guadeloupe. This has a direct link to the situation to which Louis Delgrès refers. He was in Karukera when he said these words. In October 1801 Guadeloupe made independence. To the following this act, the vice-admiral Denis, Duke Decre (1761-1820), Minister of the Navy in 1801, replied on November 14, 1801: “I want slaves in the colonies. Freedom is a food for which the stomach of the Negroes is not prepared. I believe that it is necessary to seize all the occasions to give them their natural food except the seasonings controlled by justice and humanity. I think you have to send a considerable force to Guadeloupe, not to reduce it to what it was but what it should be. "This means the" slave ". Guadeloupe is inhabited by "slaves", according to whiteism. So there cannot be a question of independence. Conducting yourself is unfit for the "slave". Indeed, the force arrived in 1802, almost at the same time as that sent to Ayiti (Santo Domingo, for whiteism). In May 1802 Karukera (Guadeloupe for Savqn) once again fell, not under the arms of our natural enemies but by one of their subterfuges. This has not affected the resilience of the children of our ancestors, until today. All are and are standing in themselves. They are with the Self Munal.
It’s not just Karukera who resists the ideology of the "slave". The resistant is generalized. Cussy's personal experience can help us. In 1685, he said the following: "We have in the negroes formidable domestic enemies". A century later nothing has changed, this is what the following words reveal: Rouvray (1785): “A colony with slaves is a city threatened with assault; We walk on barrels of powder ”. What about this colonist of Santo Domingo: "The Negroes," he argues, "are unfair, cruel, half-human barbarians, traitors, hypocrites, thieves, drunkards, vain, lazy, dirty, shameless, jealous until fury, and cowards ”. "We must treat negroes as we treat animals," says the governor of Madinina (Martinique). It’s about his enemies that we can speak like this. These words clearly reveal nature as well as the gods of religion are in difficulty. Their ideology does not find ground. Indeed everywhere the negresses and negroes are indomitable and rebellious. Whiteists are therefore not an authority outside the world of men. In other words, their word has no effect. Negroes and negresses have no master.
Let's take a look at what's going on in the field, in Ayti. Bukmqn disputes the principle of whiteism, which is its created gods. Like Jean Jacques Dessalines he describes it as false because created by "white", whiteism, and like men. Bukmqn says that he is the source of our misfortunes. On the other hand our God, bon-Dieu, by the voice that speaks to us from the inside, that is to say GWQMULITY, orders us to sink it outside our existential field. We are here in the antithesis of the ideology of "slave" with everything it involves, in particular the natural conquest of "slaves", raid. Our ancestors will soon react. In August 1791 they submitted French whiteists to a severe counterattack. Following this, the governor of Santo Domingo, Blanchelande, addressed a natural letter to his counterpart from Santo-Domingo, Don Joachim Garcia, in which he exposes, without detour, the situation: “The insurgent forces were formed exclusively of blacks, and not mulattoes or others free of color "(...)" The white race, continues the French governor, and the class of people of color, and blacks Free are united, there are only slaves who are openly raised, and who kill their bosses and fire their homes. " "Blanchelande to the governor of Santo Domingo (n.d.)", AG, Santo Domingo, 1029, f.
1. This text shows the beginning of what will be the white unity and the Republic of Ayiti by the ancestral opposition to the ideology of slavery. Already the Negresses and Negroes are firm and powerful, indomitable and rebellious, which is opposed, bluntly, to the Whiteists.
This continues, our ancestors have no intention of giving up. They will go to the end. On January 1, 1804, Jean Jacques Dessalines said: "That my name has become horrified to all peoples who want slavery, and that despots and tyrants only pronounce it by cursing the day that saw me born ». It is indeed in the truant project that he attacks it. They are endowed with capacity to carry out their counter offensive. Let's listen to the following words. The president of the colonial assembly writes the following words to the president of the legislative chamber: "... too weak to resist this torrent, we asked for help from the most neighboring islanders". "The General Assembly, it is reported in the colonial events of J Saintayan," charged Mr. de Blanchelande to call on the competition of the Spanish forces and decided to agree with him to ask the English of Jamaica and to the States -Unis, * In the name of humanity and their respective interest, to give the French part of Santo Domingo in danger a prompt and fraternal +, troops, ammunition, supplies ». Only people who are injured in their being can strike with such precision and such efficiency. The governor takes a desperate tone in his letter: "the arrival of help being more and more necessary" (September 25); “Promently help this superb colony, which is in the most obvious danger; Let the forces go, one after the other; As they are ready, successive arrival will make courage, hope will do the rest ”(September 29). It is necessary, on the confrontation ground, to show Grand Bänqy to concord the strikes in the conditions present. Hence the effectiveness of blows and victory over the indescribable monster, whose essence is "humanity". Jean Jacques Dessalines completes as follows the power inhabiting the Negro people: "Yes, we have returned, to these real cannibals, war for war, crimes for crimes, outrages for outrages". When General Quentin, a Frenchman, commander of the city of Saint-Marc, addressed some reproaches to Dessalines after he took over, in October 1802, the Fort de la Crête-à-prierrot, Dessalines replied in these terms: "I sported the standard of resistance because it is time to teach the French that they are monsters that this land devours too slowly for the happiness of negroes and negroes". No doubt, the ancestors gave a firm and irreversible denial to the ideology of the "slave".
Following all this Jean Jacques Dessalines said one day: "We are not slaves but sentenced to field work". We can understand this according to the words of the Society of Friends of Blacks (men of color): .... the rapid and infallible increase in the price of blacks, which, which can only be stolen from immense distances in the interior of Africa ”. The trader Théodore Canot, who was at the scene from 1820 to 1840, is expressed in these terms on this subject: "I confirm without hesitation that the three quarters of the exported slaves of Africa are the fruit of wars fomented by greed of our race ”. It is not the picking of "slaves", but assaults of people living in themselves, by themselves and for themselves. Our ancestors knew very well what was playing. They did not deviate from the line. His Eternal Majesty Emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines brought it to the attention of people on January 1, 1804. Dessalines clearly manifests his position in front of those who drag the legs, the free. He rejects the traces of whiteism that are everywhere, even if we are in the morning of eternal victory: “We dared to be free," he says, dared to be by ourselves and for ourselves; Imme let's get the growing child: his own weight breaks the edge which becomes useless and hinders him in his walk. (…) And what dishonorable absurdity to defeat to be slaves ”. The self is highlighted. Here we do not imitate others and we also do not receive our conduct from another than oneself. "Let's walk on other ways," he said. The constitution of the eternal empire of Ayiti will be published in Dessalines, imperial capital, May 20, 1805: "The people living in the island above called Saint-Domingue, is appropriate here to train in free, sovereign and independent state of any other power of the universe, under the name of Haiti Empire. ” They are therefore the “ways” of oneself, of what we are, as we, as Gwqmrtla, our God, Bon-Dieu. The name of the Ayiti Empire is transparent here, the "Ayti Empire name" highlights our Munal being, essence. At the same time, he shows the whole Dessalinian, ancestor campaign and Soi Munal, who is ours. The Empire of Ayiti is what we are, our being, therefore, it is in itself. Because of this "slavery &esclavagisation) is forever abolished". It follows that no white, whatever his nation, will set foot on this territory as a master or owner. This resolution will now be the fundamental basis of our Constitution. "There is a need to clearly specify the people concerned currently, that is to say the Whiteists. We, negresses and negroes, are master and owner of ourselves, like our conduct, we cannot work for others, only for ourselves. This is a great disappointment for Montesquieu, Aristotle and the others. In the Empire of Ayiti all and all will receive their share of all goods and resources so that they make it grow themselves and for themselves, as a singular or badral self as well as Soi Munal. In the French Declaration of Human and Citizen Law is imposed work for others, for remuneration. The principle is challenged by Jean Jacques Dessalines and he shows his political source, therefore slavery. Living together based on natural human rights, where everyone-chacune uses their freedom for their personal benefit, which is not without power, which is invented from the counting of individuals of their natural right to Directing, is defeated by the Eternal Empire of Ayiti because of his Yunitary Character, a family, of which the Emperor is the Father. The imperial authority does not dictate the citizens of the Empire of Ayti their conduct and therefore their interests. They maintain their GWQMULITY themselves and authority gives them the necessary means to manage their interests. This is so because they have all the Bänqyelles faculties necessary to take care of themselves and walk towards negro-divinity. The accession to self -knowledge, the Munal, which is the Ubuntu, guides their overall life. It's going everywhere. There is nothing extraordinary there. It’s thought that leads. When it is good, be suitable, it is bänqyelle and she does her job odoWu. The reference to the complexion is prohibited because it is contrary to the ubuntu, the yunity and the "concord", a concept to which we access by the calculation, that is to say the act of Bänqjer or Bänqyer, "is the key to all successes , said the confirmed scientist and the generally victorious general, Jean Jacques Dessalines. In the Empire of Ayti, as it is an anti -esclave erection, "the state has no worship or any minister". What is linked to the gods is not our business. There is no "slave" here because we are the subject of his life, his existence, that is our way of life.
The confrontation between the Empire of Ayiti, who is us, and the slave or slave god is obvious. The Empire of Ayiti is not a political institution, therefore, nor a state of rights. The Empire of Ayiti is us and, we are the Empire of Ayti, an indestructible Yunity (Ubuntu). We are there as we are to be tranquility: "" Considering that after a long series of misfortunes and vicissitudes, it is necessary to ensure the guarantee and security of citizens in an immutable and irrevocable way ", the Letter of appointment of January 25, 1804. It is necessary to add to the above that the Empire of Ayiti is based on "the immortal decrees of our God". These properties of the Ayiti Empire are enough to demonstrate that this is a colossal work produced by Jean Jacques Dessalines more than large. There is no need to add others. The Dessalinian is well circumscribed. We, negroes and negresses, are indomitable and rebellious!
The unbearable
These are the angry words! They provoke the unity of whiteists and the Republic of Haiti. Before that was the same thing. Let's talk about it first, this briefly! In France, it is dismay when the news of the negro-gelefelfe counterattack arrived on October 27, 1791. We resort to a decree, which will be adopted on December 7, 1791 by the Assembly. This decree comes down as follows: “The troops must submit blacks without damaging men of color. The French proposal is in line with reality since it implies that blacks are not subject. This could not be more true because rebellious is a very characteristic of negresses and negroes. You can't get it over. Whiteist to the deepest of itself, France does not intend to stay without doing anything. She thinks he can, despite everything, change the situation. Félicité Léger Santhonax failed, he could not let go, certainly, of the unidirectional character of whiteism. He will take place in the truant soul of Toussaints the opening to break what we are to the advantage of whiteism. We obviously dismiss the ability to know. This is not what interests us here. Toussaint, free black - just because he has agreed but because of his nature hommal artificial; He is a man, in the negro-divine sense of the term; Here the meaning is broader than the conception of man in force among the Whiteists - accepts - he is not a traitor because he is also inhabited by the tribunal - the proposal, of which Santhonax is the 'Author, and writes to the Board, French government, to promise him to bring about the so much desired submission of negresses and negroes: “I answer under my personal responsibility for the submission, order and dedication to the France of my brothers Blacks ", the commitment of a stranger to have our Self, the self Munal, what absurdity! He failed like his peers. Despite this, Napoleon Bonaparte used it, without forgetting General Leclerc. The French emperor did not believe it too much from what he said. But "the shirking of whites," he said in his work Confessions in 1816, was right for his skepticism. "He knew he was going to fail by sending the forces to Saint-Domingo, of great strength, he specifies in a letter addressed to the very people, in order to submit the Negresses and Negroes". Basically, that's about that. Whiteists, prey to delirium, made the plan to genocide all adults in our breast by saving the under eleven years to tame them in order to manage to submit them. This is necessarily preceded by the adult massacre, according to the plan. The peak of cruelty is what whiteism is based on. The ideology of the "slave" eats strokes. And whiteism does not know how to go back since it is a tendency, that of being done.
Massacre and genocide
Patience has limits, whiteists give themselves another mission, revenge. It is, since, on the free that he has to make it. We will draw from the absorption of free by the Whiteists a new unit, the Republic of Ayiti, whose end is revenge, which is the Elimingyo. From that moment, there is no longer any question of "slave" proper but of genocide. "The slave" is not put in the closet, he is still relevant but for the Eliminrgyo, be genocide. The instrument for this campaign is the Republic of Haiti, taken from one -way unity. Creation was made on the specific production instrument model, physical extension of whiteism for the Eliminrgyo, a concept to which Aristotle, the internship, has accustomed us.
When exactly it started? Already, after General Leclerc, General Jean-Louis Ferrand, of Dominicania, still under the order of Napoleon Bonaparte, undertook, in 1804-1805, to genocide adults in Ayiti itself, to the advantage, according to them , young people under eleven years old. After the action of His Majesty Jacques 1er on Dominicania, the angel of death, whiteism, focused on the eternal emperor himself and his close collaborators. This is the start of the application of the plan implemented by the bacteria.
Let's see! The imperial work of Jean Jacques Dessalines against the ideology of the "slave" puts whiteism in very bad posture in the world. Indeed Jean Jacques Dessalines more than large is not content to disobey, depending on the expectation of whiteism, but he goes beyond. He erects an Empire, the Empire of Ayiti, which is even the being that they say they are, a work of art, which, at each point, is a living contradiction of the white position in the world. The Lord Empire of Haiti is intended to bring the inhabitants and inhabitants of the planet earth to the path of their being, the Self Munal. More than ever the Empire of Tóya-Dessalines puts whiteism in the overhang. Since it is, in essence, the angel of death, it changes its objective in revenge by the pure and simple genocide of the Empire of Ayti, which is us. He judges that the ancestors endanger them by this gigantic work. According to them, our ancestors want nothing but reduce them to nothing. They see in the action of Jean Jacques Dessalines their next end. Whiteists have exhausted all their strategies to submit them in order to make them pay but in vain. Frustration is at its height.
Whiteists drop the submission, they now want revenge to Elimingyo. Thus they call on the first stones of their destruction campaign, one of which is the conquest, in order to carry out the genocide. He wants, without resorting to confrontation, starting with His Majesty Jacques 1er, the one who, by his verb and the use of his Bänqyelle capacities, seems to him the most to fear. The generally victorious general in all respects has just given stainless proof by the erection of the Ayiti Empire, a case of species. For this, whiteism uses an old method, spies, to access the physical interior of the Ayiti Empire. There he hopes to regain the confidence of the free which he had put himself under the blow of genocide by using but in vain of the powerful arm of Jean Jacques Dessalines. This is how he developed his image a priori, the Republic of Haiti. On October 17, 1806, he scored his first point and completed the construction of what was secondarily, namely the Republic of Haiti. Since then has been running the mill to grind the negresses and negroes of all ages.
We are not going to review each of the pages of monstrosity. Let's only point the right of some of them! Immediately after the installation of the Republic of Haiti, it flies the fruits of the work of the imperial people for its superior, whiteism. There are several meanings to this, let's remember one. Whiteists want to prevent them from progressing and they try to reduce them to nothing. The Republic of Haiti completely remains them and it abandons them in the arms of mality. We are not talking about those who will be murdered when they have learned the return of France by the Republic of Haiti and that they will prepare to move on to the counterattack. They wanted to thwart everything. The Republic of Haiti was the pleasure of following them in order to surprise them on the fact. She is zealous because she works for the salvation of her soul, who is her beloved master, whiteism. What must be understood is the deletion for deletion.
Let's take a leap! Very close to us, in Dominicania, the Dominican "president", Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina, in 1937, massacred, without any reason, a massive number of Haitians. The Republic which was aware of what was going to happen, is and remains deaf and
blind. Those who ignore what is played out that incomprehensible. Yet nothing is more striking.
In the early 1990s, during the most acute effect of the agro-food crisis, the Whiteists used politics, its prized field, to impose an economic embargo on the Republic of Haiti, during which they apply its method of genocide. Everything is in place. Here is Canada traveling salt waters! He is at work. Canada repels any boat transporting food, like Feed Children, and drugs towards the Republic of Haiti. Its objective is to train the people on the edge of the precipice, hunger, illness and ultimately death. This is an act that responds to a criminal design because neither food nor health are part of the products prohibited by embargo. This responds to something else, a white act. The result is more than a thousand deaths a day, the majority of them are babies, children and the elderly, all in the total indifference of the government, members, at best, of political parties of the Republic of Haiti who was believed to be adversaries and even enemies - see my book: the emperor is dead, long live the emperor !. Editions LOF, (Lekba/Ogu/Fweda) 2005. This is a concerted action against people.
The Ayti Empire is not the source of the Negroes and Negresses. The problem in Ayti is not an Ayitian but ancestral problem, a widespread difficulty. The Empire of Ayiti is ancestral because it is based on science, here the Dqmbala, acquired by the ancestors and adapted to the circumstances by Jean Jacques Dessalines according to the education he received from his elders . As proof, in addition to saying that the Ayiti Empire is that of all the Negresses and Negroes on the ancestral continent, it planned to bring a half million of them in order to strengthen its resistance capacities. Then the danger comes, according to the white calculation, from the continent of the ancestors. It follows that he cannot limit himself to the annihilation of the Negroes and Negresses d'Ayti if he wants to be sheltered. Its programmed genocide is now planetary, wherever there are negresses and negroes. Besides, the center of justification of all its thoughts as well as its actions is its own property, which is its effective becoming.
Whiteism therefore uses its reinforced position against the Negroes and Negresses by its action in the Republic of Haîti, which he presents as the "countries" Ayiti ", to attack the ancestral planetary population. In their head the voice of the Ayiti Empire is covered by the presence of their Republic, the other self, they therefore run no risk. He invented, in his laboratories, in Canada, a fairly powerful virus, the AIDS virus, reports, to overcome it. He camouflages his hands so as not to attract the attention of other peoples. Indeed in addition to the negresses and negroes on the planet, the Republic of October 17, 1806, partner by silence in crime, and even because such, was granted the origin of the virus. Whiteism can afford it because it is at home. He will not record any contradictory reaction from the Republic of Ayiti. So he will not be denounced by his institution. The game is double. Because these are negroes and negresses, it is part of the lot. Giving it the origin of a virulent virus, which is said, in well -informed circles, made in Canada, is also to present it as a threat to the planet. Canada, faithful to its reluctance to see a country of dark dyes alongside the white countries, we remember that it had spoken against a negro state on the continent - there is talk of the eternal empire of Ayiti - , slides the Republic of Haiti into the battery. The objective is to finish, HIC and Nunc, as a country, for the benefit of the French part of Santo Domingo, which we kept secretly and especially in reserve.
A slavery is a slavery. It is the very being of whiteism, slavers because of its dualistic essence. A negress and a negro living in the same dirty as a whiteist, it's like mice who coexist with cats and pussies. One day or another, they will eventually jump on the little animals. It is the law of disorder initiated by the homes, whose whiteism is the highest expression. Obviously, to return to the AIDS virus, the Republic of Haiti paid a heavy price (dead). And that is only just starting. It’s to get there. See my work: Quebec and Canada in the Court of Negro-Divinity, LOF editions (Lekba/Ogu/Fweda) 2006.
More than one hundred million people vaccinated during a polio vaccination campaign organized by whiteism to pass the virus. Obviously the Whiteists have opened another campaign to cover their traces. In Ayiti even they have recruited several citizens of the Republic of Haiti to help them in the transmission of the virus to the people.
The results drag the legs. Whiteists will strengthen their action by setting up other Eliminrgyo strategies, the political problems they exploit thoroughly. This is the case of peace missions against the background of killing that they organize themselves. They start killing negresses and negroes. To that must be added to that diseases, especially cholera, that they sow massively to the right and to the left, without forgetting, with the same voracity, acute sexual violence against both sexes, children, more precisely. Cruelty is at its height. Pains of all kinds and massive deaths go by company. The Republic of Haiti is there as a Bourreau. Whenever whiteism wants to use this method, it is always there to bear it, in the sense of justifying. In other words the Republic of Haiti always supports the peace missions of whiteism. It seems that this means is more alufa, voracious.
Faced with the unequaled and incomparable coldness of the irreducible free, citizens of the Republic of October 17, 1806, the whiteists, very satisfied, want to accelerate the process and they are thinking of giving the blow of grace on January 12, 2010, a good way to start the new year as well as the decade. The earth trembled and the news falls at the same time, that Haiti has disappeared. The news and reality say very clearly that the proposal is not based on an observation. Rather, it is the result of an expectation. Since it is "waiting", it is undeniably the work of a program. The devastating effect of the earthquake, whose nature has not yet been identified, will make the planet tremble. The alert, as given, is beneficial for the victim, Ayiti. This is a monumental error, on the part of whiteism. It is certainly due to too much confidence in its means of destruction. The earthquake draws the attention of scientists in the discipline. They discovered, it reports, that the plates had not moved. So it is impossible that the earth trembled. Haarp, a place of research in terms of imitations of natural disasters, is everywhere pointed out. This means that the disaster has been caused. Everyone talks about it because she caused dead dead. The people in the trade are saying that it is an unspeakable crime. The fact that whiteism announced at the same time the disappearance of Ayiti without even having seen the effect, that is to say that it says what it is, is the stainless proof that scientists know What they are talking about. What is certain is the artificiality of the earthquake not the instrument - which struck our territory - of the rage, to which we are accustomed. This point is the responsibility of the people of the profession. Nor is it the point that is in discussions here. It is obviously not the truth that we have been announced. It is rather pushed by pragmatic truth, in the sense of bringing in. This is the central point. If he knew it in advance, the disappearance was scheduled. Since it is so, the planet is not in front of a natural phenomenon. For the first time, unless proven otherwise, heads of state and white government, then their representatives move to make the observation themselves ... or take notes ... on the other hand the specialists in the field are worn to the defense of nature. They say, without detour, that she has nothing to do with it. See my work on this subject: <<? Cause of the surge of irrelative stupidity… >> LOF editions (Lekba/Ogu/Fweda), 2010. The Republic of Haiti is witness to all because it has seen everything and heard everything. Why did she do dead? Outside people speak but the Republic of Haiti does not say a word. It's scary!
Whiteism, obviously, did not expect this thin result of this Savqn attack, even if the losses are numerous. The Republic of October 17, 1806 recorded several others of the same nature, it continues not to hear nothing or see. Proof, a former President of the United States recently declared that he had knowingly destroyed agriculture in the country of Haiti. The Republic has made it one of its best friends. Two of his successors announced, in barely veiled words, the imminent extermination of the country of Haiti. These words are welcomed in total indifference. The dualistic character requires. The Republic of October 17, 1806, as planned by Napoleon Bonaparte, concentrates all his activity and all his energy around a struggle for power, that of money and assassination, and the act of governing-Par to camouflage the ongoing procedures.
Agriculture being destroyed, the enemy pushes people to take the path of exile, half of which, if not more, dies along the accidents caused. Those who remain see, for the most part, their enviable quarters slip between their fingers by the weight of the flames when they are not forced to leave in broad daylight and in the middle of the night, without summation. The technique of destroying agriculture applies to people from all environments as well as to their property. Whiteists no longer hide their intention to settle in the flesh on the territory of Ayiti via the Republic of October 17, 1806, their natural way. They seek by all means to empty the places of their negro content.
The diversion of the attention of current revenge!
More than one person will certainly say how not to realize all of this. Whiteism is an extremely cunning animal. He mobilizes several means in order to direct the attention of people to something else. It’s an old technique known to everyone. It is used, if necessary, in its favor. But it is difficult not to get caught, despite your precautions. We don't always see when you are plunged (e-) in your passion. Whiteism almost always uses this tip to lead its victims into the lake.
Let us know that the Republic of Haiti is like a machine, for example a train. It is its sensitive body and whiteism is the rudder. This is located inside and is not directly accessible from the outside. In him lies the siege of thought and the resulting thoughts, those which direct. It should be concluded that the Republic of Haiti is the body of a mind that governs it. So this body only sees what is given to him to see. The thought that inhabits it is the yardstick of everything. This is the weakness of the institution. To thwart this state of affairs, Jean Jacques Dessalines rejects external thought and he insists on the Self as a director. First of all, the Republic has blind confidence in whiteism, which is not a good omen and that cannot be so. She absorbs what comes from him without questioning him. Inevitably she believes in her substance, or gods of man, religion, human rights, state of rights, democracy, power, liberalism, happiness through consumption, etc. Whiteism comes out of this dish as an absolute way of life. Yet all these ingredients are rigged and false. Their acceptance by the Republic is based on the effect of the diversion made possible by too much confidence in whiteism.
To get there, it was necessary that the Republic of Haiti pushed the way of being imperial. It is therefore without OFOWU benchmark and is supported by its trial penchant, meeting point with whiteism. She is plunged from head to toe in the white ocean. As an example, Jean Jacques Dessalines says whiteists that they are "our natural enemies" while she speaks like her friends; The Grand Savant teaches that the Whiteists are "watches" when she presents them, she, like people who help them live well; The author of the imperial building, an unparalleled and incomparable construction, enjoins them to stay away from the white people because they are devoured by the irresistible desire for death but for it, far from whiteism, it is the void. We will not say more, that is enough. It is naivety without the shadow of doubt on the part of the Republic of Haiti. The Republic of Haiti is whiteist in the depths of itself. It is an understatement to say, in other words, it is whiteer than whiteism itself. She only sees what the master sees and hears only what he hears. She is not facing whiteism but side by side with him until he merges with him. Nothing for her is serious unless whiteism says it. So she loses independence.
The diversion takes place on three levels, religious, educational and political, political in the limited sense of the term. The diversion is a contrary and contradictory orientation given to the being of the citizens of the Republic of Haiti. They are led to believe in what is chimerical. On the religious level, whiteism has considerably weakened the momentum of their tribute by occupying almost the entire place. The method is simple, by the god reigning in the heart of the Republic of Haiti, which is whiteism itself, it is strengthened in its subject. The belief in this gods created by whiteism (man) in his image, always in his quest for exhaustion, teaches the citizens of the Republic of Haiti the complete rupture with themselves, manifested by their attachment to the Life on Earth. They are asked to turn their back on it. That's not all, the nature of a slave is forever imposed on them. This is the guarantee of their loyalty to gods. Their whole day is devoted to the worship of this possessor god. The believers are daily subject to a wild brain washing that borders on cruelty. They see the white god everywhere and in everything. This one way almost empties them by themselves. Their daily life turned into delirium.
In terms of education, citizens of the Republic of Haiti are trapped. They are absent there. If there is one who realized it, his reaction will be shy because he is on enemy terrain. In education they have only one master, whiteism. The pressure is very strong. Impossible to challenge it. Everything we teacher comes from him. He dictates the rules of the art used to give form to thought and entry into stage. Where we want them to come from it is the conclusion to which knowledge is whiteist, and that ultimately whiteism is everything. When the profession, the basis of practical life, comes out, it does not involve you because it is the practice of your life. To ensure that they are definitively putting their hands on them, students, we teach them that the knowledge they acquire makes you pass from being, those who are outside, be foreign to the source. It doesn’t need more so that they feel called, which grants them IPSO facto a superiority to those who do not yet have the chance. Through education young people are torn from their biological source. Rather, it supports the white stumps. Therefore they see life differently.
The other point of orientation is also daily, it is politics. The population of the Republic of Haiti absorbs thoughts of politics and their practice, as they are. Despite the contradiction that weaves them, they are displayed as the nature of life. We do not recognize the right to doubt him. This activity is that of the master. Life on earth is therefore, in his eyes, as important as that which awaits it beyond the grave. This is enough to show that the citizens of the Republic of Haiti are also absent in the territory of their own being, this to the advantage of whiteism.
Little by little we witness the flight of the being of the citizen of the Republic of Haiti by whiteism so that he can do what he wants.
They know very well, these members of the Republic of Haiti, that the life of which they are aware is problematic because there was something else before it. The master himself, the one without whom they are nothing, does not have a good press. They are in an openly disputed camp. Therefore, they are too. What is sharply criticized is the fact of being in him, the master. They are represented, without the initiative. Instead of trying to assert themselves, either free themselves from the absorption of whiteism, which is the master here, they prefer, while remaining there, to present themselves as independent, to be in themselves, in nothingness, a absurdity. The independence to which they refer admits a certain influence. This is where they locate whiteism, a kind of hiding place. Whiteism does not appear as a master, its clean reality, but a consultant, and even neighborhood, good neighborhood, by its apparent help. He said that part of him is sunk in the dark. Whiteism lives there for real but would not like to be for too long. This dark space is not its choice but that of the Republic which seeks not to engage in the world. Apparently there is an empty space since whiteism is not fully seen. It is visible in part, there is a curtain that hides the other part. But it happens at the mental level. It’s a kind of optical illusion through language, phantasmagorical stories, projected on the thought screen. It is in this deep and densely obscure hole, according to their thought-he lies to himself, an impossible mission; We are side by side with our natural enemies, and we are not alone there -, which he operates.
The members of the Republic of Haiti exploit this imaginary gallery to play their score, which can be defined as a "I" this lure tries to instill in people that it is them, the free, who direct. So the members of the false institution, because it is the image of whiteism, want to make believe that they are in the spotlight. Yet they do not forget that their substantive policy comes from whiteists and that they have an eye riveted on everything they do. In short behind the curtain they govern. He must be so because a nothing can harm their right to order.
The free seem to be satisfied with their small space. They don't suffer at all, they get their share from the cake. They speak. What ? No one knows, not even the speaker. The general rule, we must speak. It’s the semblance to be at home. They are on the stage to throw shadow on, that is to say camouflage, the activity of whiteism, which determines the work they have to do. It is there, by a kind of tohu-bohu of expressions, torn from political vocabulary but which does not refer to anything in their political sphere from them, and of facts which do not stick either, that they will seek to reorient Mentally (divert from reality) all those they can. In any case, they do not hesitate. Institutions and organizations of all kinds are raining but not applicable. Whatever their occupation, they have the status of leaders and leaders since, by their deleterious action, they aim to divert the attention of the mass of the people of the hoist on which they are led.
The action scene
From what we have just seen high, there are three groups on the action scene, the master (whiteism), the problancists and their opponents. They form a single whole, the Republic of Haiti, and all work for the same cause. In other words, their activity converges in the interest of whiteism, revenge, which is the Eliminrgyo.
Evil comes across his peers
Reorientation is here to keep the white grip and extend it where it is absent. We understand that these are the new generations and the imperial people of Ayiti. For that, whiteism should not be seen. He and his vocation constitute a shadow area. This is not without reason because many are the enemy of the greatest evil. The Republic of Haiti without limits of blood, negro blood. This is why she is instituted. At the beginning, with the physical assassination of His Majesty, it was the imperial people who were targeted. A little later everyone enters it. The strategy is to present whiteism as present but not as neither "master" nor "monster". He sometimes makes bad choices. He is mistaken like anyone else. He is still blameless but not beyond. Who should we put in the faults when it goes wrong? To the Haitians themselves. We "whiten" whiteism, as we say. His family is presented as responsible for their destiny, as the optical illusion by discourse affirms. They take their own acts. It's wrong, there is no doubt. The culprits are the Haitians. They act in selfishness and pure wickedness. White chiefs continue by saying that they do everything they can but there are never expected results. They express their desire to continue despite everything, without saying for what reason. They openly find support among those who criticize their peers, accusing them of all evils. What is funny, the reproaches that are addressed to other Haitians do not go without the assistance of whiteists. Yet they are the Haitians the officials.
The game is not so simple that actors and actresses think. It is strewn with pitfalls and contradictions. We often keep each other, where we have to point the white people with the finger.
The accusation without demonstrating the means
The other point that must be raised is the absence of means as a state institution to carry out its responsibilities. It is clear that the internal war is unarmed. There are a ton of words, at best, sounds, without meanings, here the institutions and real means. By that it must be understood that the Republic of Haiti does not have the necessary to help those who are in lack of lack. Do the discourseers know this? They are caught because that is not the objective of the institution. The Republic has no agriculture, energy or technology. It is not by bad faith but by absence of means. They do not go with the objective of the Republic of Haiti. The interests of whiteism are not those of people we are talking about either. Pra Example people are able to produce, they have given the evidence. But whiteism has destroyed their agriculture in order to push them to the edge of the famine. Industrialization is stopped, always by whiteism. There is no money to afford energy or technological capacities. During this time whiteism flies and plunders the resources, which does not indicate the exogenous people who bear responsibility for the macabre acts of whiteism. The orientation of the Republic of Haiti, which is blown to it by whiteism itself, can in no case absorb the end for which it is blame. Never has the Republic of Haiti have given itself such possibilities either. Without them it cannot meet the needs, which we are talking about. Yet nobody seems to see him, we let ourselves go as if the verb was free from all rules.
One thing is certain, the Republic of Haiti would never be in this position. It will never happen because it is not compatible with its goal. Whiteists are and will always be in obstacle with this. We want the victims to really believe that something can be done for them but that the accused do not want it. Whiteism, in this case, seems like the Savior, so it can continue to act in the shadows. So there is no doubt that work is that of whiteism.
Whiteism controls everything and directs almost everything
Radio and television - with regard to newspapers, it is a dead letter because few, very few people read in this institution - are under white obedience. They do not choose their object. They are told what to be avoided. They also speak to them, he tells them what to ignore so as not to offend. What they lack is the science of the object. Without content, sometimes they are on the left, sometimes on the right. They skate but without any notion of skating. It’s ugliness in person. It goes without saying, there is no way to get a clear idea of ??the inventory with them. What is clearly identified is their belonging to the Republic of Haiti, this power wardrobe developed by whiteism for revenge, Eliminrgyo.
And this is the trap in which they fell. They sell to the population the idea that this or that political party is the executioner, in the current state of things. They go so far as to grant them the authorship of what we have just seen. Political parties also do the same by accusing radio and television and accusing each other. The Republic of Haiti, as an institution, is innocent, including necessarily the whiteism that directed it from its shadow zone before recently leaving it. Even after his withdrawal of secrecy, we continue to pretend that he is not there. We execute his boldly and publicly imposed program without saying a word as if it had come from oneself. The problem, talking about it is cutting short the camouflage and putting the Republic at the same time and, secondly, necessarily the revenge program. They are deaf. This is the node of the problem. The Republic of Haiti is pure whiteist. It rolls on the ground of whiteism. She is there by this one and for this one. It is directly led by whiteism. It is an irrefutable fact that there are no political parties that can dare to impose themselves on the master without being hit on the hand. The accusers would not dare either. They conform to any decision of whiteism, the most degrading decisions, those who show that he is the master, their master, and who, therefore, contradict their position. The described situation does not date from today. None of the living today was there at the time of the arrival of the Republic of Haiti. This was born with its objective, which does not include any responsibility for citizens. On the contrary, the Republic of Haiti only thwarts the interests of people. She is established for this. What we see, at best, what we are witnessing is the very purpose of the Republic of Haiti. The accusers of other citizens are as guilty as their adversaries because, like them, they carry evil, the greatest evil that is, in them, whiteism, by means of the Republic of Haiti with which It forms a unit, its sui generis fruit, which they support unwaveringly and which they present, in a shame, as a source of salvation, in the current state of things, in order to facilitate work Whiteist who is revenge, slavery (e-) s on the territory where slavery is abolished with smacas by the invincible general forever victorious of whiteism, Jean Jacques Dessalines. They do everything to help whiteists genocide the negroes and negroes. Whiteism is the eaten bacteria of negresses and negroes, in other words the real cannibals, according to the general forever victorious, Jean Jacques Dessalines, and the Republic of Haiti in him is no exception. Evil cannot be in people since they are not, and cannot be, which they are outside the Republic of Haiti. All those who work in the Republic of Haiti by endorseing its objective are from the Republic of Haiti. They are not there by accident.
The Republic of Haiti is for revenge, Eliminrgyo, it is an extension of whiteism, Negro and Negresses eating bacteria, the real cannibal.
They are all and all guilty of genocide and will face their guilt in the Imperial Ayitian court set up for them and the international criminal court. The cannibals will be judged and punished.
Here Dessalines!
The decree immediately takes effect.
Tuesday June 4, 2024
For the imperial house Dessalines, the Empire of Ayti, eternal Empire of Tóya-Dessalines, Empire of Gwqmunality, that the enemy and its gang, present on our imperial territory, wrongly believed that they have ever swallowed up:
HRH His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines d'Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste, 7th of the generation of the imperial couple, Marie Claire Happy Félicité happiness and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, III of the line of the emperors of Ayiti, and guarantor of wnitee of the Lakort, the order of us, and the Empire Tóya-Dessalines, specialist and professor of the science of politics, theorist politics, for example whiteism, and theorist of munism, ie VUDUN existentialism.