Whiteism is deadlocked.
The decree 00000007 L’Impasse for Le Blancisme000000028022025
The imperial family and the city of Dessalines speak 7 - 8 - o = © all rights reserved
q = an, u = or =, w = r, r = ê, c = in, h = ch, e = é, ¼ = on, ñ
Google translation, see the original if necessary:
To go to:
Linkedin: HRH Prínce Tiécoura Jean Dessalines d'Orléans;
Blogger: Forum-Clear Happy Dessalines, the city of Dessalines, capital of Ayiti;
X: @Forumempereurje
For any work, see the Akadémie X website:
https://www.akademiex.com/product-page/tome-6-l-dministration- Imperial-retablie-au-pays-éncancestral-yiti
Imperial administration restored
Information in French
Le Décret 00000007l’impasse pour le blancisme000000028022025
La Famille Impériale et la Ville de Dessalines prennent la parole 7 - 8 - O = © Tous droits réservés
q = an, u = ou =, w = r, r = ê, c = in, h = ch, e = é, ¼ = on, ñ
Traduction Google, voir l'original si nécessaire :
Pour plus aller à :
LinkedIn: HRH Prínce Tiécoura Jean Dessalines D'Orléans;
Blogger: Forum-Impératrice Claire Heureuse Dessalines, la Ville de Dessalines, capitale d’AYITI;
X: @ForumEmpereurje
Pour tout ouvrage, consultez le site d’Akadémie X :
Administration impérial rétabli
The impasse that is delighted!
Whiteism is deadlocked. At any time, he can use terrorism to try to get out of it.
Let's follow it very closely! The door will open.
This is our responsibility to everyone.
The decree is in force today, Friday 28 02 2025.
For the imperial house Dessalines, the Empire of Ayti, eternal Empire of Tóya-Dessalines, Empire of Gwqmunality, that the enemy and its gang, present on our imperial territory, wrongly believed that they have ever swallowed up:
HRH His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines d'Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste, 7th of the generation of the imperial couple, Marie Claire Happy Félicité Bonheur and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, III of the line of the emperors of Ayiti, and guarantor of the wander of the lakort, the order of us, and the Tóya-dessalines Empire, specialist and professor of the science of politics, politics, especially whiteism, and theorist of mutism, ie VUDUN existentialism