Oh the late, in the territory of the Ayiti Empire, ancestral Empire, the Negro genocide is in progress!
Oh the late, in the territory of the Ayiti Empire, ancestral Empire, the Negro genocide is in progress!
The imperial family and the city of Dessalines take the floor 7 - 8 - M = © All rights reserved
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Le Décret 7770000000 tentatives d’incarcération de notre être, l‘être nègre, le Soi Munal 70000000 31 janvier 2025
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Administration impérial rétabli
The decree The attempts to incarcerate our being, the negro being, our Self Munal, because of hindrance to the future of whiteism, the unnamed horror
La Lerperie, mode of acting whiteism
One thing is obvious, whiteism is the real cannibal. His way of operating is, in part, the labelie, which consists in pretending to be the victim of a false action, however that he himself really suffers from the accused, to be able to undertake a devastating action against it or this one. Let's see! Whiteism claims that the ancestral people of Ayiti represent a real threat of destabilization for Dominicania, the countries of the region, then Karaïbe, Latin America, even the north of the continent. He concludes that it is necessary to react now to prevent evil. All the significant content of the lady is there, in what is said.
However it is whiteism, and the Atha, Bunda QMR, people who serve them as a lining, who camps as a tireless destabilizer of the ancestors in the hope of kidnapping the Negro being, the Self Munal, who sets himself up Impreshable barrier in front of his monstrous substance, as Jean Jacques Dessalines said, a great scientist in the matter.
Faced with the invincibility of the general and the Lord E in the Lord Jean Jacques Dessalines, whiteism resorts to his physical assassination, as well as that of those around him. He then establishes, from the outside, in the Republic of Haiti, a false name, then a Republic of screen, to accomplish, in the dark, his atrocities against the eternal Empire of Ayiti, of which here are some examples: point It is necessary to return to the physical assassination of His Majesty Jacques I, a loose act on the part of Napoleon Bonaparte; The same calls the same, to return to atrocities, the regular flight of crops since 1806; theft of goods and resources until today; Theft of gold reserves, for example our mines, notably by Canada, including a gold mine in full direct exploitation by the population, the only and only owners, to meet the needs of their families; moving industries to Dominicania; stacked churches; Endless military missions as a coverage of evil; rape; the voluntary destruction of flourishing agriculture; hit a developed part of an artificial earthquake; cholera; genocide; the massive injection of the AIDS virus; Whiteists do not give the laws or the constitution no value, only their will count; Equip people, especially hundreds of thousands of cutting -edge weapons of war; The formation of several groups of infantrymen, the killings ending up; The corpses delivered to dogs and pigs, reduce trade almost to zero, etc., etc. etc., the real state of nature. It's scary! The situation prevailing in the territory of the Empire of Ayiti requires, under the supervision of the People-State, a commission of inquiry of the international criminal tribunal because the disasters and the dead are legion.
What do they want, our natural enemies?
Who are we ?
This is the first thing to know. The ancestors, our ancestors, have spoken, their word is irrevocable because they are infallible in this matter. Science, dqmbala, that is to say true knowledge, of the, formatting by the ancestors, revealed to us that we are in a yunity, where all things are by their inter-procedure, direct and indirect, A kind of immanence, and by their independence, a kind of transcendence, from which they hold, without exception, irreversibly and irrelatively, their individuality, the term is multiple and massive here. The, yunity of things, is woven with eternity, one of its Mbwa, what the thing is, and, therefore, it tends, through things, to maintain itself, necessarily as it is. It goes without saying, things, by the expression of the one who inhabits them, carry in themselves the momentum to perpetuate themselves, obviously in themselves, therefore in itself, what they are, that is, To say independently of the others, while being in an unstoppable inter-procedure with them. It follows from this that their maintenance in being, what they are, in essence, is done in themselves, by oneself and for oneself, which means without intervention of others, not even our God, bon-god, GWQMRTLA, even if, by their inter-proof, their immanence, they benefit from the individual work. In this way, every thing, depending on its nature, is what it is, is accomplished, the share of the individual par excellence, which is the immediate purpose of each thing. The reality of each thing, which is called Lakort or W¼nbadr, in Munal territory, is that, invariably, of each singular, inside the thing or the individual, which singular bears the name of Badr, S ' Does he still act from Mun. This is the future of La, especially planet earth.
What we come to see is the thought, more precisely bague, to mark his adequacy with the real, that is to say his truth, ancestral which is at the origin of the gwqmunal resistance, the gwqmunity, the eternal empire d'Ayiti, mode of being munale in the sensitive world, and the maintenance firmly, even today, of the Empire of Ayti, Empire of Toya-Dessalines, Against the Kokcn HCN Dewqjmq. In other words there is an implacable logic between the science of us, the Mun, which is briefly in high exposed, and the word of Jean Jacques Dessalines, the following:
“We dared to be free, dare to be by ourselves and for ourselves!
“The day has arrived, this day which must be eterning our glory, our independence.
"We must, by a last act of national authority, ensure forever the Empire of freedom - GWQMULITY -, in the country which saw us born".
"Considering that after a long series of misfortunes and vicissitudes, the guarantee of citizens should be guaranteed in an immutable and irrevocable way, and that the surest way to reach this goal is to award the sole chief capable of representing and of government to govern the nation, an august and sacred title which concentrates in him the forces of the state, which has it outside and which is inside the pledge of the tranquility. ” The appointment of Jean Jacques Dessalines highlights "eternity" and "tranquility", sweet life, that which conforms to its self, the self Munal.
“The people living in the island above called Santo Domingo, should here form a free, sovereign and independent state of any other power in the universe, under the name of Haiti Empire.
“Slavery is forever abolished
"No white, whatever his nation, will set foot in this territory, as a master or owner and will in the future acquire any property."
The eternal Empire of Ayiti is in itself, by oneself, for oneself and the manifestation of oneself, the Self Munal, in the sensitive world. Hence its invaluable value!
This is the country of Ayiti, the country of Jean Jacques Dessalines!
"The country is fallow," said Sylvain Coté, the envoy of the Canadian government.
The whiteist project
Everything preceding highlights the fact that we are in ourselves, by ourselves and for ourselves, all in accordance with the reality of our God, Bon-Dieu, Gwqmrtla. Things are such, they will remain such.
This greatly disturbs the white people they do not hear it like this. Whiteists set in motion all their abilities to try to reverse things, such as the Empire of Ayiti presents and represents them. Their biggest objective is to kidnap the being that we are to the advantage of their own, what they are, the "monster", according to Jean Jacques Dessalines, the great scientist in the matter. Kidnapping our negro being means to hold it in hostage by drunk it of their definition of themselves, of whiteism, as they see themselves in the world, that is to say "the master and the owner" of all things, which necessarily requires the use of indescribable violence. Lakort Munal does not carry the inscription of "whiteism" in him. It’s quite the opposite, he is in himself and he alone. If the horror peak does not lead to the white objective, it is the genocide, the ultimate phase. There is no other solution, according to white anthropology. The facts are there to prove it. Whiteism is a disturbance, a bunch of disorder. This is what explains the fact that they surround us everywhere.
Everywhere they follow us in the hope of managing to destroy our own path, ancestrality. They give themselves as means the encirclement of our body and the invasion of our bague in order to get it in empty words, particularly anthropology and religion, which are mainly built of insane discourse. It is interesting to note the following, drawn from our work, Weber Tiécoura d'Orléans Jean Baptiste, "I take the floor, human rights are anti-regulars",: "Speaking of negro-African countries in Africa Africa , Jean-Louis Roy, secretary general of ACCT, says, in a shameless manner: “There is one thing that is not negotiable, it is respect for human rights. On this, the international community must share the same standards, political rights, economic and social rights ”, publisher LOF 1993, pp 85.86 ISBN-2-9801-302-7-3 The thing is obvious, we are not In ourselves, like His Majesty the Lord Emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines taught it. It is obviously an attack on ancestrality.
As we have already said above, they want to keep us in the shade of their wings with insane words and unlimited violence. Where they fail to enter their park, this is the case of Mun negroes and negroes, not only of observable differential characteristics, they simply use genocide, without paying attention to those who are apparently and whose essence is, like theirs, homo and which, by the same fact, are under their obedience. She does not care about the difference, the whiteism, rage of the self-proclaimed man and limited in his horror compared to the whiteism which is limitless, a summit of horror. For example, the objective of the AIDS virus is the tribute but by a circumstance competition it is reduced to whiteism, even whiteism. This is the case of the earthquake of January 12, 2010 which provided for the total destruction of the imperial territory; It is the same with Ayiti cholera, which was to finish the work. However, the raid, which is followed by deportation and slavery, had the effect of the homalss because it touched 200,000,000 negresses and negroes, particularly young. They are fond of it, the whiteists. Of this number, they may have remained less than two million. More than half are deliberately thrown into the sea, the others, especially those who could not save themselves to go marry, were delivered alive to the flames; sawn in alive, were buried alive to the neck and the head soaked in fat to be eaten by ants; subjected to whitening punishment, to remove the dark skin until death ensued; Delive them alive, living, anthropophagous dogs, etc., etc., etc. ..., horror at the paroxysmal point. This is the fate that is reserved for all those who reject whiteism. Whiteism is undoubtedly the eaten bacteria of negresses and negroes and it deserves its name, the one that Jean Jacques Dessalines gave it: "the real cannibal" or "a monster that the earth engulfs too slowly".
The whiteist strategy aims to keep alive, among people to murder, some but who are, like him, tribunal. It is not by greatness of soul, as we say in this odious world, but to use it as elements, whose primary responsibility is to cover its actions, its dirty acts, therefore to do kase-kuvwi, In order to continue to apply his genocide plan, far from the eyes, he believes. Several of these apparently negresses and negroes serve as double for whiteists. These are the functions of death that the whiteists they wear in the shadow in the shadow in broad daylight. They execute the thoughts of genocidaires under the sun. They play the role of an instrument of evil, of the greatest evil there is. In the head of the Whiteists, their territory outside carried by international organizations through the empty words they present under the name of rules, rights, laws, etc., they are actually covered. These are certainly these imaginary posts that hold their deleterious world. But they don't protect them at all. Everyone knows them as they are, especially where they operate, among the Negroes and Negresses, especially.
In the world of appearances, nothing is done without the agreement of the Whiteists. They are all aware of what is done as well as the reasons why what is done is done. No negro, no negress, apparently occupies a position in this world of death without it or it does, in one way or another, the sinister ideology, whiteism, and that it or She does not completely indulge in it. There is no self supposed below the others. The self invented by whiteism is not because it is completely lost in it. Thus everything that is done in the world of death carries the white signature. It goes without saying because it is white politics that is on the move. Any crime, like any act, is that of whiteists. You do not act by yourself and for ourselves but as sent from whiteism. He cannot relate to the tubabu because they are not outside the whiteists. They are just as responsible as the Whiteists because of their will at the beginning, the first who agreed to make the wish to be only in irrelative stupidity, whiteism. However, the first manager of any act committed by my Bunda QMR, is the whiteist who presses, by commanding the thing, on the button. He is, as a master, the one who draws the full advantage of the acting act.
The fundamental structure of whiteism
Inspired by tribunal, whiteism, which is an ideology, it should be emphasized, is a dualistic conception of the world. This vision of the world or of reality has its origin from Greek thought, passing through biblical Israelism, then the Roman Empire, an upper and the other necessarily inferior, carried because of this by the first to be able to Continue to be, in other words, it is naturally dominated by the upper part. It is relatively important for it because its excellence is in it, which distinguishes it from the lower part. This is not the case, while it depends on the upper part. The dualism of whiteism, within people, finds its justification in the quality of the faculties, some are excellent, others less. These cannot be held alone, so they need support for the faculties under excellence. It follows, still according to white ideology, natural dependence. Whiteism, under the impulse of nature, is therefore a shaping of this order, which is natural.
The white duality is carrying a great logical difficulty. Indeed whiteism presents itself as a distinct reality, on which a multitude of others depends, including other people, also called sub-men or, in the past, people-and-commers. This implies that whiteism is not found in this situation, in the sense that it is not breened, therefore independent, because, in the image of gods, gods idea, of course, it is outside Of nature, according to his speech, meaningless. To be clearer, he is not taken in nature, according to him, on the contrary, he dominates it. However, to achieve truant excellence, either man, it cannot do without underlying and nature. To stay there, he must maintain himself in the same way since he needs to contemplate himself in the mirror of inferiority. There is more. White excellence is the altitude, which is made of possession, until total possession by one.
So it is not only the inferiority that cannot do without superiority. Whiteism, for one reason or another, has not been able to access this floor of discourse, of which it is from. There is an unsurpassable interdependence with this difference, the destruction, in all good conscience, of certain elements, living as non -alive; Regarding the latter, which explains all the problems of global warming, deforestation, and the presence of climato-skeptics, then, at the level of the living, genocides, particularly Elimingyo, suppression of all kinds the negresses and negroes , object of the speech.
A real assembly carried by an imaginary discourse
The Republic of Haiti, whose territory is the international institutions in which the white "countries" reign, is, by its foundation, a slavery and, by its objective, an instrument of white revenge. By the Republic of Haiti, whiteism is responsible for erasing the ancestors' victory by Jean Jacques Dessalines over the greatest evil there is, that is to say whiteism, because it tries to Present as the continuity of the Empire of AYITI, and even, in certain cases, such as the “real country”, the original, of which the Empire of AYITI was a deviation, despite the contradiction of the official texts and the history, and murder, Until the genocide, the ancestral people, imperial people, therefore the Eliminrgyo. Despite the dismissal of the Republic of Haiti by the Eternal Empire of Ayiti, by the informed multitude, the Whiteists continue, even amplify, the genocide. It presses, they say to themselves!
It is on the imaginary or outside territory that whiteism and the Bunda QMR camp to carry out their death campaign against the Empire of Ayti. The discourse generating this slavery is that of "the slave". Whiteists are inhabited by the thought of the tribute in which they are all equal in substance. On this plane they form an assembly. However, they are different in application skills. This serves the yardstick in the choice for the exercise of functions. What is interesting, the ability to lead does not have priority because they direct together. Rather, it is the ability to what prevails at the moment. It must be recognized that some things are constantly taking precedence. This is what explains the choice of Canada at the head of the Assembly. This organization has proven itself in the art of killing in silence, and even massively, an all -out choice because this element is very important in the axis of whiteism. The great actors of it cannot do without it, they drag it with them everywhere. They even raise him where he is not qualified, their club select. This is the case for its presence in clubs where the means it has do not allow it. It’s still a very small country, weak in almost everything.
Canada, to keep its position, at best its relationship, has made a specialty, the killer of negresses and negroes. We see it wherever there are negroes and negresses, driving its deadly machine. He works in close collaboration with the Bunda QMR, people of appearance negro-gelefween, physical support of white slavers, who people continue to serve, in the void, of course, by the false promises of protection of whiteism, faced with the Empire of Ayiti, Empire Dessalines, the essential danger that threatens them, while these whiteists need, for their part, to be able to be able Imperial fury, unless they fuel everything, at the risk of even destroying what they usually need to take revenge on its enemies. We are talking about bogus foreign institutions. They can hoping to rebuild themselves later, obviously if they master the future well.
The organization of Canada, hoping to succeed, has moved part of its seat, in the middle of the Bunda QMR, in Dominicania; This clearly shows a perfect understanding between him and the rebel leader of the latter in the current mission. At the level of the multitude informs, the ATHAs, on the imperial territory, it changes and increases its workforce for a better result, he hopes. Canada is mounting several scenarios to be able to continue its path in peace. He obtains help from his peers, said diplomats, and tubabu. He uses, standing in the darkness, at the reissue of October 17, 1806. If it was paying once, he believes, he can be a second time, he thinks. Isn't he dealing with negroes and negresses, "animals", as Voltaire said. He continues to prevent the free movement of people, at home, people to whom the country belongs, the eternal empire of Ayiti, in order to suffocate by the prolonged lack of everything, goods and products, and to assassinate them Others, which control accidentally throws in his arms. By what means does it accomplish all this? It has established infantrymen in all sensitive parts of the territory to physically control people's movements. The imperial territory has been surrounded from east to west, from north to south, for some time. To all this you must add the use of commandos for targeted assassinations, poisoning, by multiple means, kidnappings, etc., etc., etc.
The People-State
Nothing and no one can shake the people-state, the Empire of Ayiti, because we are and exist in ourselves. No wind, whatever its power, can influence the imperial tree, because knowing and act do their nest in us. We are in all points invincible.
We are in ourselves, we necessarily stay there, especially by ourselves and for ourselves. Thus no Mun can give up himself because there is no equal to be in itself. Even in the grip of madness, he will not succeed because she does not have access to it. Being in itself is Katel, in miniature, invariability and irreversibility of the expression of the thing. This is the lively and warm effectiveness of the member of the Eternal Empire of Dessalines.
It is up to each member of the Ayiti Empire to take charge of the arrest of all whiteist as well as all Bunda QMR acting on our territory, the territory of the Empire of Ayiti, under any pretext whatsoever, because “Slavery is forever abolished”, and to work in the establishment of the international mission of inquiry by the international criminal tribunal on what is currently happening in our territory.
We ask all those without epidermal nuances, who want to engage in the fight against the Negro genocide and slavery, despite its obvious abolition, to form a team to enter the race.
The decree is in force today, January 31, 2025.
For the imperial house Dessalines, the Empire of Ayti, eternal Empire of Tóya-Dessalines, Empire of Gwqmunality, that the enemy and its gang, present on our imperial territory, wrongly believed that they have ever swallowed up:
HRH His Majesty Prince Weber Tiécoura Dessalines d'Orléans Charles Jean Baptiste, 7th of the generation of the imperial couple, Marie Claire Happy Félicité happiness and Jean-Jacques Dessalines, III of the line of the emperors of Ayiti, and guarantor of the wander of the Lakort, the order of us, and the Empire Tóya-Dessalines, specialist and professor of the science of politics, theorist politics, especially whiteism, and theorist of mutism, ie VUDUN existentialism